Chapter 1229 Forced to leave

Wen Forest saw such a fast time, and for this place, there were so many people gathered, and a panic began to rise in his heart.

But he can also be regarded as a big director in the entertainment industry, but the situation is tense recently, and many entertainment directors have been tracked down.

If this incident were introduced to the ears of the law enforcement team that time, it would very likely cause him great trouble.

After Wen Forest snorted coldly, he left in front of Huo Ran. Even under the crowded flow, he had no way to deal with Huo Ran, but it would always find a chance to clean up Huo Ran fiercely.

Wen Senlin thought of Jimei in his heart, never thought that Huo Ran suddenly called him behind him.

“Why are you planning to leave this place? We haven’t said everything yet, right?”

Wen Senlin stopped for a while, turned his head and looked at Huo Ran in disbelief.

“What do you mean? Are you planning to quarrel here anymore?”

“Have you forgotten your identity?~”

Huo Ran looked at Wen Forest with weird eyes.

“I think you are the most ridiculous guy!”

“what do you mean?”

“Am I wrong?” Huo Ran looked at Wen Forest with cold expression.

“In fact, you bastard has extreme thoughts in your heart, and you have to put all the responsibility on us. A brazen guy like you is probably rare in the entertainment industry!”

Zhiran sneered at Wen Forest unceremoniously.

Wen Senlin was breathing heavily, with a furious appearance.

But because of the attention of so many people, he also had nothing to do with Huo Ran, dropped a sneer again, and left this place with money thinking.

Until there were only Huo Ran and Liu Shishi left in this area, Liu Shishi approached and looked at Huo Ran with some worry in his eyes.

“What to do? Because of me, you completely offended this guy today. Will it cause you huge problems in the future?”

Huo Ran listened to Liu Shishi’s words and shook his head with a smile.

“What problem can he cause to me? He is not only a box office ratio in the entertainment industry, but I even have a reputation. I am not like this person. I don’t take all his scandals today. Shaking it out, it’s already a shame.”

…Please ask for flowers………

Zhiran said quite proudly.

Liu Shishi watched Huo Ran’s expression constantly flickering, and he felt the long-lost sense of security from Huo Ran’s body.

It’s just a pity that the eyes Huo Ran looked at him didn’t have the scorching and hot desires that those men usually revealed when they looked at him, so it made Master Liu a little confused. Huo Ran was thinking about it. Something.


Fortunately, Liu Shishi was not in a hurry about this matter. He reminded himself in his heart that in the follow-up time, he will cooperate with Huo Ran for a long time, and there is no need to take all these things to heart.

Dispute with Wen Forest Huo Ran didn’t care about ending the politics that day, Huo Ran invited her to join her agency.

Liu Shishi did not hesitate, and agreed to Huo Ran’s words, but then stumbled to explain to Huo Ran that she did not have much savings over the years, so she could not get the liquidated damages of the brokerage company for a while. Son,

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