Chapter 1231 Admin

“We can’t help it. Every time we dug up these things, the other party ran around and said that we did not meet the fire protection regulations. Let us do it again. This is the third time that we changed it today. ”

When the wife was talking about this, her face showed a bit of helplessness.

“If I continue to make changes like this, I am really worried that all the plans in my mind have been hollowed out by the other party.”

After listening to the reporter’s words, he knew that the other party was now deliberately embarrassing them. He didn’t say anything to the demolitionist any more, but 12 rushed directly to the administrator of a venue.

After the administrator saw Huo Ran walk in, although he stood up straight, there was a bit of contempt in his eyes when he looked at Huo Ran.

As an actor, Huo Ran always thinks about the emotions of the characters on weekdays. The appearance of the other party quickly made Huo Ran realize that what the other party did today should still have a different meaning.

“The blasting of our place is ready, can it be accepted now?”

Huo Ran asked.

“Wait, I’m very busy today, I don’t have time for acceptance, you should wait until tomorrow!

The administrator said coldly.

After listening to this sentence from the other party, his face turned pale.

When he just entered this room, he saw the administrator sitting aside watching the TV while licking melon seeds. Now he asked the inspector to come and tell him that he was busy and not free. This was not deliberately delaying what he was.

Zhiran didn’t say anything to the administrator, but took out his mobile phone directly.

“As long as you have not conducted the review together, then I will ask your boss to send other people over. Anyway, I must finish the review today.”

After doing this, Huo Ran planned to dial out the phone. The administrator’s face changed drastically, and he rushed to Huo Ran’s face, intending to take Huo Ran’s mobile phone.

Huo Ran withdrew a step backward, avoiding the manager’s actions.

“what do you mean?”

“What are you calling our boss?”

“Aren’t you not free? I just ask your boss to send someone else over for acceptance?”

Huo Ran deliberately made an incomprehensible attitude: “Could it be that you are not willing to inspect our construction site and you are not allowed to find other people?”

The threatening attitude was obvious. As long as this guy didn’t give him an acceptance today, he would have to call their boss to the local administrator to make a violent look at Huo Ran and walked out the door.

Huo Ran followed the administrator with a bright smile on his face.

When he arrived near the site, the administrator started a new round of operations. He stood in front of the demolition division, took a casual glance at the drawings, and directly combined the 160 drawings.

“This thing you have made can’t work, so let’s start designing again!’

But after hearing this sentence, he sighed helplessly, and as expected, the administrator still refused to let them pass.

The administrator left this sentence and planned to leave this place, but Huo Ran once again stopped in front of the administrator.

“Can you explain to me where this place does not meet the fire protection requirements?”

“Everything is not in line with you and start rectification!!

But this time after his voice fell, Ran still stood in front of him and refused to let him leave. .

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