Chapter 1239 I am not satisfied

“Mr. Huo Ran shouldn’t mind, and compensate you for your loss and a series of subsequent expenses at that time.”

“Of course!” Huo Ran answered with a smile.

This person has always been respected by others, and he is paid back by others.

Since Wen Zi talked about doing things fairly, Huo Ran naturally didn’t mind giving him some face.

“Since there is an investigation, I will ask our people to call the administrator here.

Huo Ran said with a smile.

Although Xiaoban didn’t know who Huo Ran was referring to as the administrator, he nodded to Yong Ran.

“Of course, since we need to investigate, of course we must call all the witnesses here and check them clearly.”

But his words just fell, Wen Senlin, who was still covering his cheeks, couldn’t wait to rush in front of Wen Zitan to stop him~.

“It doesn’t need to be-trouble it!”

“Obviously, this guy came to our company to deliberately look for things, and kicked him out of the company the most agile-isn’t it all right?”

With that, Wen Sen Lin beckoned to the security guard on the side. It seemed that he was planning to drive Huo Ran out directly.

Wen Zitan has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and of course he can see the trickiness of Wen Forest, he asked after a cold snort.

“What the hell is going on? Don’t pretend to me here!”

Wen Senlin began to hesitate a bit on his face.

“What do you mean?”

“What do I mean? You know very well. I am a person who never coughs any sand in my eyes. If there are other reasons for this matter, you should be honest and make it clear. Don’t waste everyone’s time here. NS.”

At this time, Wen Zitan’s heart was already angry.

Originally, he thought that Huo Ran suddenly made a move and hurt his face, but in the end he never wanted to make trouble. It turned out that someone from his company was looking for trouble.

As far as Wen Zitan is concerned, although Wen Forest is regarded as the contracted director of their company, because Wen Forest has not won a good box office all the time, he does not attach much importance to it.

In particular, Wen Senlin’s reputation in the entertainment industry is not good, and various disturbances are often caused in his crew, making their entire company exhausted for public relations.

…For flowers…………

It just happened that when they came to re-sign the contract recently, he was considering whether to renew the next contract with Wen Forest. He thought that something like this had happened again today.

Now it seems that this guy will be able to cause them huge troubles without knowing it. At this time, Wen Zitan has already begun to make the final decision.

“Then you still refuse to speak, do you explain everything?”

Wen Zitan scolded again angrily.

“If you are still unwilling to speak, then simply ask Huo Ran to call his administrator here, but at that time, once I find out that this matter is related to you, I won’t let you talk about it. If the company has resolved it, I will consider sending you directly to the law enforcement team and directly sue you for compensation for our company’s liquidated damages.”

“After all, after you joined this company, you have caused us huge trouble more than once.

Wen Zitan’s words were extremely indifferent. Wen Senlin looked at Wen Zitan with difficulty in his eyes, and he was convinced.

How do you say that he is still a contract director of this company. Son,

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