Chapter 1241 Compromise and leave

Huo Ran felt that he couldn’t get in for a while.

Now that he has found the right opportunity, he naturally wants to humiliate Wen Forest carefully.

Wen Senlin heard Huo Ran’s words and instantly yelled at him furiously.

“You tmd shut up for me. If it weren’t for you as a bastard, Laozi wouldn’t end up where he is today.

Huo Ran’s eyes were slightly together, and there was a bit of irony in the look of Wenlin Lin.

12″Are you sure you still want to talk to me in this way? Think about it, if your mouth is not clean, Laozi can help you wash it.”

When this threat fell, Wen Forest’s original frenzied expression had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

After getting along with Huo Ran several times, he also discovered that Huo Ran is a fearless guy. If he dares to argue with Huo Ran today, it is estimated that he will really dare to realize what he said.

Wen Senlin’s finger stretched out on the body where Huo Ran and Wen Zi were talking, clicked back and forth, snorted coldly, and left a sentence for Laozi to wait, and then left directly from here.

Huo Ran looked at Wen Forest’s stern look, and his smile became brighter.

Today, he was able to achieve such a result of this matter, and he was very satisfied. Before coming here, he thought that this company would choose to cover Wen Forest. He did not expect that after Wen Zi talked about everything, he asked clearly. He actually stood on his side and chose to stand on his side.

Although Huo Ran guessed that the other party would make such a move, one important reason was that the other party wanted to cooperate with him. A deep goodwill was left in my heart.

Seeing Wen Zitan’s eyes still fixed on him, Huo Ran asked actively.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

Wen Zitan just chose to sacrifice Wen Forest for the purpose of leaving a good impression in Huo Ran’s heart.

Seeing Huo Ran’s attitude now, he naturally knew that what he had done had achieved a good advantage, and he immediately responded.

“Of course, if you are free, come with me to my office!”

Huo Ran smiled and nodded.

“Let’s go.”

After arriving at the office, Mr. Wen Zitan made a cup of coffee for Huo Ran, and then put the script he placed aside in front of Huo Ran.

I looked at this folder and asked: “What’s wrong? What is this trying to do?”

“I know that you have been busy shooting movies these days, but there is a new TV series in our company recently. I think Mr. Huo Ran170, you should be curious.’

After hearing this introduction, Zhiran first picked up the script, and just opened the first glance at the wild world inside, Huo Ran’s thinking has completely settled down.

When he raised his head again, he realized that half an hour had passed. An embarrassing nerve appeared on Huo Ran’s face, and he put the documents together again.

“I’m really embarrassed, as you just said, this script is really good, but I am really curious, why do you put such confidential things in front of me?”.

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