Chapter 1251 Just get out

That would be the Heavenly King Laozi running to stop him, and he must confide all his thoughts to Huo Ran.

“I know that as a director, what you want is to film all the stories you like, but please measure your status in this television field before shooting.”

“If you are some well-known TV drama directors and shoot a fantasy type of work, you may still be favored by those TV stations, but you have never shown your strength in the TV drama field. Do you think, why do those TV stations want Take the risk of buying your TV series?”

The agent asked Huo Ran back.

Although his attitude can be regarded as polite, he is worried that Huo Ran’s reputation will be greatly affected during the filming of this TV series. .

If Huo Ran’s reputation is completely destroyed because of this filming, it will be the most serious loss for Huo Ran.

But for the broker’s question, there is no hesitation.

Manager, Huo Ran couldn’t wait to say as soon as the voice fell off.

“Of course it’s because the fantasy TV series that those people filmed are much worse than my filming.

The agent’s palm was slapped heavily on her forehead, and now she only felt speechless for a while, Huo Ran was really confident to the extreme.

“So, you started filming other TV shows, so what can you do, then all the TV stations will not believe you, what kind of method do you use to keep them broadcasting?”

“I still said that, as long as my script is good enough, the shots can also meet everyone’s expectations. At that time, it is not easy to achieve something in your own hands.

“Then are you sure you can shoot a fantasy TV series?”

“Of course.” Huo Ran said decisively.

Other aspects of the agent began to persuade Huo Ran.

“Do you know how much capital investment is needed for a fantasy TV series?”

“Of course.” Huo Ran smiled and nodded, walking back to the desk again.

This time he simply wrote out the total cost of filming the TV series.

Then he handed the quotation to the broker.

The agent’s eyes swept across the total amount, and he found that the price quoted in this step had reached 150 million, and he suddenly raised his head.

“Are you crazy? Such a TV series that seems to be impossible to sell, you actually plan to invest 150 million to 500 million. Are you going to put all your wealth into it?”

There was a slight smile on Huo Ran’s lips.

“How is this possible, my worth is more than that.”

The agent was speechless by Huo Ran’s words for a while, but soon he recovered his energy and continued to speak.

“Even so, in a TV series, you are the only one. As the director and investor of the TV series, you will definitely be ridiculing you in entertainment.

Everyone will say that after you become a TV series, no one investor is willing to give you the slightest chance. ”

“Do you really think you can afford to tease you in various ways with others?”.

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