Chapter 1254 So much nonsense

“Why do you think I am willing to let you try the show today? If it weren’t for your agent’s constant emphasis on your eyes, it would be considered good. When you appeared in this place today, I would shoo you straight away from here. .”

By the end of the conversation, Bauer was stunned. He didn’t expect Huo Ran to have such an idea when facing him.

Reminiscing about his original thoughts when he came here, he thought viciously in his heart that he would surely be able to do it before Huo Ran would be able to surrender before his eyes, and Baul’s face began to become more ugly.

“I tell you, don’t be mad here, just because you guys have done so many things and what can you do, you still can’t rely on you in the end, you are the first in the TV drama industry. If you don’t believe it, let’s just wait and see..~

With a cold snorted, Baul took his team away from them in front of Huo Ran.

After all the people like him were gone, Huo Ran smiled self-deprecatingly when he saw that the room was half empty.

It seems that in the future, we will still have to stay away from the traffic stars in the showbiz.After all, where these guys like them are, they are like locusts, and they don’t know who gave them such a big face. Such rampant in front of.

Unable to figure this out, Huo Ran simply suppressed the idea from his mind.

Second, the name of the actor who appeared in this place was called Yang Mi. Seeing the other’s appearance, Ran’s eyes lit up instantly.

The reason why he selected actors with such fanfare this time is that he is looking forward to Yang Mi’s appearance here. After all, Yang Mi performed the performance in the original TV series.

Her performance has surpassed everyone’s expectations and directly made that TV series the hottest TV series of the year.

Huo Ran lightly nodded the chair on the side and said to Yang Mi: “Right, you don’t need to be so cautious. Today I just want to find out if I have found an actor that has been missed.”

After listening to Huo Ran’s words yesterday, he violently knocked him down. He always felt that Huo Ran’s words seemed to contain other business, but such words made him unable to continue thinking about it.

…Please ask for flowers………

After all, no matter what kind of thoughts Huo Ran has in his heart, he, as a person in the entertainment industry, who is not very famous, wants to get Huo Ran’s approval, it is estimated that it will be difficult.

“I think your character is a very lively character. If I need you to show me a clip of crying and laughing, how should you perform it?”


After Huo Ran’s words fell, Yang Mi didn’t stand on the open space for the first time, but sat quietly on the chair. After a while, Yang Mi’s body suddenly began to shake.

Seeing this scene openly, a touch of appreciation flashed on his face, but this scene of appreciation disappeared extremely fast, so although Yang Mi had rushed back, she did not notice this.

The frequency of Yang Mi’s body vibration began to become larger and larger, and the more automatically he made an inhalation sound, but Huo Ran noticed that at the corner of Yang Mi’s mouth, it evoked a touch of lightness. Smile.

The moment when this smile appeared, Huo Ran even felt that his goose bumps were about to fall off. Son.

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