Chapter 1260 Keep mentioning

“It is true that you need to use green cloth for performances, which also requires you in the future, even if I shoot other people’s action support, you also need to continue to observe and observe in one place.”

“You have to really adapt to the performance without physical objects as soon as possible, otherwise once the special effects are done, it is very likely that you will get a big Yang Mi.”

Huo Ran told them both.

“ー97” Yang Mi and Hu Tian nodded at the same time.

When Huo Ran planned to let them leave, he still had a bit of hesitation on his wanting face. Huo Ran noticed Yang Mi’s appearance and said with a smile.

“If there is anything you want to say, just speak up.”

“I want to ask, is our TV drama budget really like what everyone said?”

150 million!

When she heard this number, Yang Mi hadn’t recovered for a long time. She couldn’t imagine how she, as a third-line female star, could receive 150 million TV shows.

For this kind of TV series, let alone Huo Ran is an actor who already has more connections in the entertainment circle, just like Huo Ran is just a little-known person, once the TV series is broadcast, there may be explosions.

Those who want to enter this TV series will be countless.

Regarding this matter, Huo Ran did not hide from Yang Mi, he smiled and nodded.

“of course.”

“I don’t have to face you to cheat on this kind of thing!”

“Remember that you already knew this budget when you were doing the trial.”

With Huo Ran’s question, Yang Mi’s face showed an awkward look, but before he could speak, Huo Ran continued.

“So the reason you ask now is because you don’t believe in the budget that I released at that time?”

“I’m really sorry, director.

Yang Mi had a bit of guilt on her face.

Huo Ran waved his hand: “It’s nothing, it’s normal if you don’t believe it. After all, I just watched the performance records of the TV series in the last ten years and found that the TV series that has been filmed the most money so far is a TV series of 200 million yuan. But in that TV series, more than 80% of the budget is given to the actors as their salary.”

“Now my TV series needs to have 120 million as a special offer to you. If I don’t believe it directly, I might even wonder if you guys are stupid.

Yang Mi couldn’t help laughing.

“Director, you are so humorous.”

“No way, if you are not humorous in this business, it is estimated that the atmosphere of this industry will be overwhelming.”

Reluctant to say anything, Dao Yang Mi’s smile began to become brighter. At this time, he already had more and more determined ideas in his heart. This TV series will definitely become a hit in the future, so it is filming. In the process, he must do his best to 1.8, and never get through the hind legs of this TV series.

Early in the morning of the next day, the filming of the TV series started to get on track.

Those who originally said that Huo Ran is good to talk have completely changed their thoughts at this moment. Seeing Huo Ran over and over again, they are constantly asking them to repeat instructions, so that the faces of several actors are exposed at this moment. A helpless look.

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