Chapter 1265 Fearless

“It just so happens that I also want to see when the law enforcement team members come here, knowing that the few traffic parties in your crew have wantonly bullying the little actors in our crew, and what kind of methods they will use to solve the problem. this matter?”

Dianran said, there was a slight pause here, and seeing An Min Jin Tieqing’s face, he had better put a smile on his mouth.

“By the way, you remember that you have to call those reporters “2000” at that time. I want to remember that I will also be very curious about this matter.”

A bit unreasonable emerged in An Minjin’s heart. These words Huo Ran said have completely drained the confidence of his crew, because the TV series he shot was originally a romantic TV series, which also means The actors who are filming are mostly those who flow. Otherwise, it will be difficult to support the ratings of the entire TV series.

But traffic actors have always been a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, they can bring huge popularity to the TV series, but on the other hand, the TV series themselves have received a lot of attention.

If they really call people from the law enforcement team to this place today, not to mention others, but those fans of traffic, they can completely tear up their entire crew.

The loss caused by that time is definitely not something he can bear as a director.

An Minjin gritted his teeth thinking of this.

“I advise you not to deceive people too much, after all, everyone is working in this industry.”

He stretched out his fingers, rubbed his ears gently, and asked with a smile.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even hear what you said.”

“How do you want to solve it?” An Minjin asked when he saw that Huo Ran would rather have a stalemate with them than retreat in the slightest.

“Apologize, when do you apologize, then when will your crew start filming. Don’t forget that my crew can get an investment of more than one billion yuan, but it doesn’t mean that your crew can consume so much day by day. Go down.”

“If you refuse to apologize, I will come here with the members of the crew every day. I want to see how long your crew can last, and how long your investors can tolerate this matter. .”

An Minjin’s face has changed drastically.

If Huo Ran is really like what he said, continue to stick to this matter, their crew may eventually suffer huge losses…

An Minjin’s eyes kept turning, and he was thinking about what to do with this matter.

“I have to remind you that even if you did not notify the law enforcement team, you saw so many people gathered in your crew.”

“Soon, those reporters will also appear here, so you have to quickly think about how to deal with it!”

Pretending to be a kind reminder.

Huo Ran’s words just fell into the song, and the crew members standing behind him also yelled loudly.

“You guys have to think about the consequences. Can you bear 1.8? Anyway, we remember that there is nothing to be afraid of!”

The members of “Love” mocked Huo Ran’s crew. At this moment, they never thought that things would change so much in an instant.

For a while, the faces of the crew members became extremely ugly.

They have cast their sights on their own directors, intending to see how the director resolves this matter in the follow-up time. .

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