Chapter 1276 Not hot enough

Compared to the “Sword Fairy” filmed by Huo Ran, the romance drama “Love” filmed by An Minjin has a higher enthusiasm.

Although Huo Ran explained to his agent that he wanted to put this TV series on the Internet in the future, the agent did not cause too much heat after everyone released a trailer on the network. On the contrary, the trailer for “Love” has stimulated a lot of discussion.

“Oh my god, there is a third part of this TV series, 12 of which, the first and second part, I saw me crying!”

“Yes, yes, yes, thinking of the tears I once helped, I just want to say to the director, please be sweeter!”

“What should I do? I don’t think I have a tendency to be abused. I know that this TV series is not much different from the previous TV. It must be a deep sadomasochism, but I still can’t control the urge to watch. .”

“I also feel that I will probably never escape the director An Minjin. How can there be directors in the world filming TV series to such a good-looking level?”

Although Huo Ran is paying attention to the hot changes on the Internet, his TV series has not received much attention, but he does not care much about this matter.

“Sword Fairy” is a fantasy TV series. Compared with romance dramas, there is a huge gap in the popularity of this kind of TV series.

What’s more, Huo Ran is still a little-known director.

If his TV series can catch up with the popularity of An Minjin TV series from the very beginning, it would be a rather strange thing.

However, Huo Ran’s knowledge of this matter does not mean that An Min Jin and the others can also know An Min Jin in the same situation. Recently, An Min Jin has been paying attention to the hot changes on the Internet.

When he saw that the popularity of Huo Ran’s TV series was more than ten times worse than that of his TV series, An Minjin’s heart was full of excitement.

In his opinion, Huo Ran has completely lost to him, not to mention that he has now publicly announced that any TV, if you buy Huo Ran’s TV series, it is right with him. It is absolutely impossible for the TV series he produced in the future to be sold to that TV station.

Because of his words, the TV stations that originally had some interest in Huo Ran’s TV dramas have already died down.

After all, compared to Huo Ran, An Minjin has a greater reputation in the field of TV dramas.

It is impossible for them to choose An Minjin for Huo Ran until Huo Ran has shown higher interests.

In An Minjin’s view, everything has been settled, and Huo Ran’s investment can only be lost.

“You said that if 210 knew that his TV series could not appear on the TV station, it was all because of me. What would he think in his heart?”

An Minjin said to the three traffic stars in his room.

The traffic star laughed loudly.

“That guy will definitely regret the things he did in the crew.”

When these three traffic stars think that they should apologize to the other three guys who seem to be less famous, they feel that they are really embarrassed.

There is no way for Huo Ran TV series to appear on the TV station, which is the biggest punishment for Huo Ran. .

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