Chapter 1286 Reluctantly persuade

“Then if I tell you that this movie is enough to attract millions of people to watch, do you think this movie is still an indifferent movie?”

It is certainly not an indifferent movie that can attract millions of people to watch it.

But these words Huo Ran said are extremely exaggerated figures, and he still can’t believe it.

If an already released movie can still attract millions of people to watch, and the ticket price of each movie can reach about ten yuan, doesn’t it mean that their video sites can take this opportunity to shock all the videos Net?

It is even possible that those who have not become members of their website. After people received their hearts and minds, they all joined their members.

For a website, if the income received from a movie or a TV series is the smallest, their biggest income is advertising.

In order for advertisers to put on their website, one of the first goals that needs to be achieved is to have enough viewers on their website. Otherwise, the advertisements that advertisers invest in, because the attention is not high, it is very likely Will choose to terminate the contract.

Now Huo Ran said that a movie can actually get millions of views, which in Liu Anxi’s view is something that makes him unbelievable.

After Huo Ran’s words fell, he kept looking at Liu Anxi. After he noticed the doubts in Liu Anxi’s eyes, Huo Ran chuckled and asked.

“Why, do you think these words I said can’t become a reality?”

Liu Anxi was silent for a while, and nodded to Huo Ran.

“Yes, I don’t think it will become a reality at all!”

“If a movie that has never been shown, you say that it can be watched by millions of people on the website, maybe I can still believe it.”

“But a movie that has already been shown has already been watched by most of the people who were interested in him. How could it be watched by millions of people? Don’t you think you are too confident about your own strength now? “”

Originally, Liu Anxi had a very good impression of Zhi Ran. In his opinion, Huo Ran is indeed a person of great talent.

But after what Huo Ran said today, Liu Anxi suddenly felt that Huo Ran might have some talent, but he is too confident, confident to be proud, this is not a very good thing. .

People who are too proud in the entertainment circle can easily offend people, and it will have a great impact on the subsequent development of this person.

“My movie didn’t go to the running water movie from the beginning, this is a classic version of the movie!”

Said decisively.

His voice just fell, and Liu Anxi planned to refute him. 217 But before Liu Anxi could speak, Huo Ran waved his hand and interrupted Liu Anxi.

“You don’t need to think about my refutation. After the movie is released, you will understand how high my film can achieve!”

“You should know the Doujia score very well. As long as the movie on that one can reach more than eight points, it can be regarded as a classic movie. Then I tell you, my movie can reach at least eight and five points!”

Liu Anxi couldn’t help but gasped.

Eight five, how is this possible?

Zhiran is too confident about himself. .

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