Chapter 1293 Fans attack

For fans of male actors, they generally act extremely crazy.

Soon at the bottom of this article, a full range of control comments began to appear.

“I thought Huo Ran Dao was also a good person, but now it seems that this is just to deliberately transfer the pressure on my body, I can only say that the two male actors are not human!”

“That’s it! Huo Ran must see that he has been severely punished recently, so he deliberately pulled the two actors out of hatred!”

“How come I didn’t realize that Huo Ran turned out to be such an insidious and cunning person, I can only say that I was really blind before!”

The confrontation between us quickly attracted the 220 fans of Huo Ran to charge and fight. Compared with these two actors, Huo Ran was originally the top martial arts star in the entertainment industry, so it was soon Within time, a bloody storm has begun to be set off on the entire network.

Although the actor and his agent were very flustered and watched the development of things all the time, Huo Ran had entered a peaceful state of time at this moment.

After handing over the matter to the agent to resolve, Huo Ran stayed tightly in his room and started preparing for the next script.

In his opinion, these verbal politics do not need to continue to be implemented, and now they have all told the real situation, then it is their own business whether the follow-up people are willing to believe it or not, and There is not much involvement between him.

Compared with Huo Ran, An Minjin’s mentality is far inferior to him. Also burned to him.

Fans of countless actors appeared in his comment area and asked him to express his views on this matter.

“Director An Minjin, please don’t hide anymore. You should tell everything about everything. Just what conflict has occurred between you and Director Huo Ran, and why he suddenly aimed at the signs. you!

“Yes (bcbi), director An Minjin, do you think you can end this thing by being a tortoise? Our fans will never let you go!”

“Director An Minjin still don’t hide here, after all, there are so many people paying attention to this matter, it is absolutely impossible for this matter to go down so quietly!”

For Director An Minjin, he was originally a highly respected director in the entertainment industry, and all people have always held him high when facing him.

He had never thought that one day fans of celebrities would scold him fiercely from start to finish.

But it made his heart full of anger, but he couldn’t get angry yet, and he couldn’t do anything to the fans of the two actors. Yes, his reputation in the entertainment industry was completely ruined.

It can be said that what they did this time not only did not have much impact on Huo Ran, they even stole chickens and became a complete Yang Mi in the entertainment circle.

When Director An Minjin apologized to Huo Ran’s crew before, although they had completely concealed this matter in a very short time, anyone who can mix in the entertainment circle is very concerned about this matter. Have a basic understanding. .

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