Chapter 1295 Cut off the road ahead

The evaluation on the Internet began to change day by day, and the two of them should have felt more and more pressure.

But no matter how anxious they are, the agent has no way to deal with this matter. After Huo Ran’s bulletin appeared, they contacted Huo Ran as soon as possible, hoping to take this opportunity to talk to him. Reached cooperation between.

But it is a pity that Huo Ran’s agent “Er Ni San” rejected them mercilessly, and also expressed this kind of ungrateful guy in a rather mocking tone. They dare not continue to cooperate.

After the agent heard this sentence at the time, they knew that they had completely offended Huo Ran. If this time the event is not finalized, such bad reviews will follow for a long time. By their side.

It is impossible for the two male actors to take this opportunity to climb to the front line.

After all, a new star that has not yet risen has been picked up by people with such a bad attitude, it is difficult for a director to believe that one day they will not be stumbling behind their backs.

The opposite of the male actor is Yang Mi.

Her development in the entertainment industry began to become more and more smooth, and countless big directors began to extend an olive branch to Yang Mi.

According to the news they received recently, Huo Ran’s new TV series is likely to invite Yang Mi to continue to perform.

The reason why Yang Mi was treated so well was because after she finished filming the TV series, no matter how much slander Huo Ran faced, Yang Mi would praise Huo Ran uncontrollably when interviewed by reporters.

Although many people think that Yang Mi’s suspicion of flattering when doing these things is really too great.

But no way. For this person who had cooperated with Yang Mi, after hearing these words of Yang Mi, it is naturally impossible to express an attitude of indifference.

With this fact, Hua easily gained the favor of many practitioners in the circle. After all, when such a celebrity who knows how to advance and retreat and understands gratitude cooperates, it can make people think of a lot of things.

As long as the agent thinks about this, he feels that he is about to vomit a big mouthful of blood.

A careless move will result in all losses. This is what they are facing now.

The two actors approached the agent again, and wanted to conduct a new round of inquiries about him. After seeing their actions, the agent snorted and pointed directly at the door to indicate that they could leave the room. NS

At this point, no matter how strong he is, he has no other way but to wait quietly.

After Huo Ran is busy, if he is willing to let them go, he will visit Huo Ran again. If he is not willing to let them go, he can only let this matter continue to ferment.

Seeing the agent’s icy attitude began to become more intense, the two actors couldn’t help feeling regretful in their hearts.

If they had not been tempted to face this Huo Ran at the beginning, would it be that they would not have come to such a difficult ending now at 1.8.

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. They can only go on this step by step, and can only look forward to the follow-up. Huo Ran faces them and can be merciful.

When Huo Ran’s TV series reached the last episode and the heat had reached its peak, Huo Ran finally opened the door of his office and walked out. .

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