Chapter 1303 Empty glove white wolf

“At that time, you will have a part of the advertisements in your TV series. It is estimated that the actual amount of investment you will eventually need to reach a little more than 100 million.”

“Although the popularity of Sword Immortal is very high now, but it has not been smoothly paid back, can it be that you can still spend so much money?”

Liu Anxi was already unable to control her excitement, and began to speak a series of questions to Huo Ran.

In his opinion, it turned out to be a star in the entertainment industry, but the income of the star is still much more than the income of many capitalists.How can Huo Ran have such a high investment ability?

The smile on Huo Ran’s face is still very bright.

“You don’t need to have any worries in terms of funding. The purpose of my coming to you today is that 230 wants to ask if your company has any ideas for investment, and on the other hand, I want to tell you if you If you don’t want to invest, then I will bring in other shareholders. If this TV series can achieve high returns, I and you

The income ratio between them should be lowered. ”

The words Huo Ran said, thunder after another sounded in Liu Anxi’s heart.

He didn’t expect Huo Ran to expect their website to invest in this section. Doesn’t this mean that they are already completely tied to a battleship with Huo Ran?

On weekdays, if a TV series wants to appear on the homepage of a website, that website generally needs to be promoted on a large scale.

Sometimes the website still needs to pay a part of the money to buy it, but most of those situations are when the TV series have been filmed, and the director of the TV series is the premise of a well-known director.

No website has taken the initiative to invest before a TV series is filmed, because if this is the case, it will easily lead to a loss for the TV website.

Recently, whether this TV series can be filmed smoothly or not is still a great risk. Moreover, after filming, whether the TV series can be successfully approved or not is still between the two.

Huo Ran’s (bcbi) request today is considered to have broken the unspoken rules within the industry. Liu Anxi is the person in charge of this website, and he has no way to make a decision on this matter for a while.

“Of course, what I said to you today is not to say that you have to give me an answer now. You can discuss with other people on your website. Anyway, it is not for me to get the investment. A difficult thing, even if I make an investment of 200 million yuan by myself, I can do it completely.”

After Huo Ran chuckled lightly, he stood up and planned to leave from this place. Liu Anxi did not stop Huo Ran at this time.

What happened today is too shocking for him. Before everything is clear, even if Huo Ran is stopped here, it doesn’t make any sense.

Early the next morning, Liu Anxi passed the discussion between him and Huo Ran today to some other persons in charge.

After these people in charge heard Liu Anxi’s description, they subconsciously wanted to get angry at Liu Anxi.

In his opinion, Liu Anxi was too much when facing Huo Ran. .

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