Chapter 1324 Can’t break

Huo Ran reiterated his attitude once again.

After the agent nodded, he finally left his room.

Huo Ran looked a little sad when he watched the agent leave, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that these words he said could not satisfy the agent at all, but for Huo Ran, this is the ultimate he can do~.

The popularity on the Internet was raging, and Yang Mi’s agent also contacted Yang Mi as soon as possible.

Compared with Huo Ran’s agent, there is no way to get Huo Ran, Yang Mi’s agent really uses it a lot.

He asked Yang Mi not to respond to this incident.

Yang Mi frowned when she heard what the agent said, looking at the agent and said.

“Why do you want to do this? Do you know? It is very likely that this will offend Huo Ran?”

“It’s just to use him to scramble a few scandals. Isn’t Huo Ran, as your friend, able to tolerate even this little thing?” Yang Mi’s agent looked straightforward and confident.

“I have already said that this matter must be clarified. Even if those people keep scolding me, it’s okay, at least it can’t make Huo Ran’s reputation any taint.

The agent’s palm slapped heavily on the table, watching Yang Mi’s face full of anger.

“Do you know that if you do this, a lot of reporters will scold you in the follow-up time, but by that time, your fans will not be able to listen to them.”

“I know, but compared to offending Huo Ran, I can tolerate these things.

“What about the endorsement of the luxury brand that I am fighting for recently, because of this matter?”

The agent began to make big moves against Yang Mi.

In his opinion, Yang Mi seemed a bit too persistent when facing Huo Ran, which made him instinctively produce some bad thoughts.

Could it be that Yang Mi has other feelings for Huo Ran?

Yang Mi’s face began to hesitate a bit, but after a while, his expression became firm again.

“As I said, there will be no connection between this incident and Huo Ran from beginning to end, so even if you want to hit Huo Ran with this incident, don’t do anything similar.

…Please ask for flowers………

The agent had no choice but to take Yang Mi at this time, and he didn’t expect Yang Mi to be so stubborn in this matter.

“Don’t you worry that I will hide you after this incident?”

The broker at this time. He even started to tear two Yang Mi while wearing Yang Mi and sneered.


“If you really intend to hide me in the snow, then I will go directly to Huo Ran’s agency. I think after this time, Huo Ran should have a better attitude towards me. Then I will even enter his company. Among them, there should be no worse results.

Maybe he used his cold gaze to shoot at the agent when he said this. Originally, when he faced the agent, he always gave him a lot of face, and never faced him on work matters. .

However, all of what the agent has done today has touched Yang Mi’s inverse scales.

For Yang Mi, in the process of getting along with Huo Ran, he has fully realized that she can offend anyone in the entertainment circle, but she can never offend Huo Ran. Son,

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