Chapter 1330 I’m a word-of-mouth drama

Whenever this TV series had only invested two months at the beginning, they were able to reluctantly recover their hatred by relying on this second round of broadcasting.

But now there is a difference of 100 million yuan, even if the TV series are sold for more than ten rounds, there is no way to achieve it.

Liu Anxi couldn’t help but begin to show a bit of hostility in her eyes looking at Huo Ran.

At the beginning, it was Huo Ran’s strong claim that this TV series one “two, four, three” would not lose money, and he agreed to Huo Ran’s investment.

“But in my opinion, after the broadcast on the website is finished, if we sell this drama to the TV station, we will at least be able to sell it for more than 100 million!”

“What are you talking about a peerless joke?” Liu Anxi couldn’t help laughing out loud.

“In the second round of the TV series, you told me to sell for 100 million. Do you know when this situation happened?”

“I know I want to appear in this TV series, when it is a very classic TV series, because only then those TV series will be sought after.”

Huo Ran explained to Liu Anxi.

Liu Anxi couldn’t help but sneered.

“Since you have said that only classic TV series can do such a thing, do you think your TV series is a classic TV series?”

“Yes!” Although Huo Ran has a smile on his face, his tone is quite firm.

“I think my TV series is a classic TV series, and I bet that in the next 20 or 30 years, no one can easily rule out a TV series that surpasses me.”

Liu Anxi also intends to refute Huo Ran. In his opinion, these words Huo Ran said are simply dreaming, but before he had time to speak, Huo Ran interrupted Liu Anxi.

“When I was filming, I already had sufficient confidence in my TV series. Now that I have finished watching the film, I am very convinced that this TV series has become the ceiling of domestic e-sports TV series.”

“If you don’t believe it, if you can get the money you invested from me again.”

These words of control shocked everyone present and fixed their sights on their faces. This picture shows a little bit of his thoughts.

“What do you mean by this sentence?”

Liu Anxi frowned and asked

“What I mean is that you can buy this money from me, and I can also give you 10 million as a profit. There is no connection at all.

I used to emphasize again.

Liu Anxi finally understood when he heard this, what exactly is Huo Ran talking about?

The co-author of this guy intends to use him after the TV series is finished.

Liu Anxi snorted coldly.

“You think there are such cheap things in this world. After filming the TV series, you have to return the money to me. Then how do I calculate the usage fee for 1.8 rooms at this time?”

“So I said, since you have invested one billion, I can give you a compensation of ten to ten million. I think even if your one billion is invested in other places, it will be difficult to get it within a year. Ten percent of the income.

Huo Ran once again explained the economy next to him, Ren and Yang Mi stopped talking a word after seeing the development of the matter. ,

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