Chapter 1333 The special effects are real and amazing

After Huo Ran agreed to publish his TV series on the website, the website fully warmed up the TV series of Huo Ran. Therefore, on the first day of launch, Huo Ran’s TV series on demand reached hundreds of millions.

For many big directors, hundreds of millions of VODs are not worth mentioning, but for Huo Ran, which has only one movie and one TV series as a work, Huo Ran, One hundred million clicks just represents the market’s recognition of Huo Ran.

Now that Huo Ran has produced as many as fifty episodes of this TV series, doesn’t that mean that by the time this TV series is over, the number of hits may reach tens of billions or even tens of billions.

For such a TV series, everyone clearly knows that this TV series has been completely popular.

After the first episode of the TV series went live, one of the reasons for various discussions on the Internet soon was because in addition to the quality of the TV series itself, the most important point was that the first episode appeared. Special effects for tens of minutes.

When dozens of minutes of special effects were presented before everyone’s eyes, countless people were amazed by these special effects.

“Oh my god, I have never seen such amazing special effects in domestic TV series when I grow up, what is going on, can it be said that domestic TV series have really risen?”

“I have never seen this kind of suspense and case-solving, or even a hodgepodge of TV series combined with e-sports. I have to say that this TV series is full of excitement, whether it is from the plot or the special effects. !

“This TV series really exceeded my expectations. If these special effects weren’t because someone told me, I couldn’t see it at all. I even think that the world they live in is such an exciting world. I can only say Huo Ran. Awesome!

“Sure enough to give those actors ahead, a large part of the production of TV series, the face will continue to improve this level of TV series, once again I sigh, this TV series makes me love me fascinated, in the future I Huo Ran’s loyal fan (bcbi)!”

Overnight, Huo Ran’s TV series has become the focus of everyone, and those TV stations that originally planned to lower the price of Huo Ran’s TV series were full of regret after seeing the popularity of Huo Ran’s TV series.

Even the purchasing editor directors of several TV dramas felt Jinhua about this. They also knew at the time that they paid 100 million and wanted to buy Huo Ran’s 300 million TV series. What a ridiculous thing. .

At that time, they thought that Huo Ran had invested so much money. If they couldn’t sell a penny, that would be the most difficult thing. That’s why they dared to lower the price in the first place.

But now that Huo Ran TV is the hottest degree, they start to face huge pressure in an instant.Everyone knows clearly that if the popularity of this TV series goes up again, they will deliberately lower the price by then. There is no way to hide it.

It’s a pity that what you are afraid of will come. Promoted by the enthusiasm of watching TV series, people soon started to raise questions on the Internet.

Why hasn’t such a high-quality TV series reached the top of the TV station?

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