Chapter 1336 Reach a final settlement

Huo Ran smiled and pretended to be stupid.

Of course he knows that as long as the director is not stupid, he will never raise the issue of full copyright when discussing cooperation this time.

But he still decided to remind the director.

After all, the other party’s request at the beginning caused deep pressure on him.

When the director heard Huo Ran’s words, his face became ugly.

He could hear from these words Huo Ran said, this was a deliberate mockery of him, but he thought that he still needed to ask Huo Ran in the next time, so he had to suppress his thoughts. Go down.

The director thought viciously in his heart, waiting for the next time, he must take the opportunity to clean up Huo Ran.

Of course, whether this idea in his heart can be made in advance, it depends on whether Huo Ran’s strength will decrease rapidly in the subsequent time, otherwise, this idea is nothing more than a dream in his heart.

The director quickly changed his face and said with a smile to Huo Ran.

“In the past, it was just a misunderstanding. Don’t worry, there will never be such a situation in the future.”

Zhiran smiled and nodded.

Of course he knew what the owner said, and it was just a brief summary of what he had done in the past, but compared to the director, he still belonged to Party B’s position after all.

Although now because of his TV drama enthusiasm, he can dominate when facing the director, after all, he still has to leave a bit of face for the other party.

After all, this guy has been cultivating in the TV station for so many years, if there really is a greater conflict with the director, I am afraid it will have a great impact on the later development.

Although Zhiran doesn’t like it on weekdays, because some power choices show weakness, since the other party has realized his own mistakes, of course he won’t be biting on this matter.

After seeing Huo Ran agree to his statement, he took a sigh of relief, and his impression of Huo Ran improved a bit.

As long as Huo Ran doesn’t take the opportunity to make trouble, it doesn’t matter if he gives Huo Ran some face.

The conversation between the Gang and the host can be regarded as a fun for the host and the guest. After half an hour, Huo Ran and the director officially signed an agreement for his TV series.

So far, Huo Ran can be regarded as selling his TV series to the TV station, and the contradiction between it and the TV station has been completely reduced.

Huo Ran did not take this matter to heart.Anyway, the popularity of his TV series on the Internet is enough for them to return all the investment. Therefore, after Huo Ran returned to his company, he did not take this matter. Announce the matter.

But Huo Ran doesn’t care, but it doesn’t mean that the TV station doesn’t care about these 243 things.

During this period of time, they have already endured a lot of insults from netizens. If they don’t clarify the matter quickly, they are really worried that those netizens will enter and exit the current television station under their excitement.

After the director returned to the TV station, he immediately published the relevant content of the contract they signed with Huo Ran on the Internet. This method is obviously of great use.

Although there are still some netizens who ridiculed the director, thinking that he is a guy with no backbone, the vast majority of people still agree with the local director’s approach, thinking that their TV station is still knowing the mistakes and can be corrected, so it will soon The wind died down. .

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