Chapter 1339 You really don’t understand me

Others think that Huo Ran is such a powerless person. Even if Huo Ran has a reputation in the entertainment industry, he definitely does not dare to offend others easily.

Seeing the confrontation between Huo Ran and Zhang Sunshan now, they suddenly realized that they had misunderstood Huo Ran in the past.

At this time, a few people even felt fortunate.

Thanks to them for not provoking Huo Ran today, otherwise, it is not Zhang Sunshan who is embarrassed in the crowd, but a few of them.

Zhang Sunshan’s expression was already ugly to the extreme, he wanted to refute Huo Ran, but before he had time to speak, Huo Ran simply interrupted Zhang Sunshan this time.

“Today is the first time I warned you, and also the last time to warn you. If you dare to hit me again in the future, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

“Don’t you dare to do something to me?” Zhang Sunshan asked with a cold face.

Huo Ran smiled and shook his head.

“It is natural not to dare to do this, but if I want to clean up you, it is not a difficult thing for me.

The corners of Huo Ran’s lips curled up, with a bit of sarcasm.

“In fact, what you did made me feel very confused. If your strength is stronger than mine, then you said in this place today that I am a person with a backing, perhaps with a bit of credibility. sex.”

“However, compared to me, the strength of your fellow is really inferior to me. Don’t you think that these words you say fall into other people’s ears, but it is more like you are jealous of me?”

“You said I was jealous of you?” Zhang Sunshan felt like he was about to laugh.

Huo Ran thought he was who he was, and even thought he would be jealous of him.

This guy is too confident in himself.

“Yeah, isn’t it?” Huo Ran asked with a smile.

“Of course not!” Zhang Sunshan flatly refused.

In any case, he can’t tell the news that he is jealous of Huo Ran at this conference, otherwise, I’m afraid everyone in the future will think that he is a small belly character.

“But if you are not jealous, why are you paying attention to my news while thinking about everyone deliberately belittling me?”

…Please ask for flowers………

Suran frowned slightly, and a bit of confusion flashed in his eyes.

He was originally an actor, and this emotion instantly brought the onlookers into the scene where he seemed to be asking this question sincerely.

“In my opinion, only when a person is jealous of another person can he show all aspects of the person’s life and suppress it in various ways.”

“There is no connection between the things you are doing now and having a good impression of me, or you can explain to me, what are your original intentions for doing those things?”

Huo Ran’s face was full of sincerity.

The words Zhang Sunshan said by Huo Ran were completely overwhelmed for a while.

Except for those directors who just heard Zhang Sunshan slander Huo Ran, people who did not intervene in this incident were also attracted by the disputes that occurred in this place, and they had already gathered in this place. Son,

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