Chapter 1342 Self-destructive reputation

Zhang Sunshan took a few breaths abruptly, and was trembling with fright by Huo Ran’s action.

But when the matter was over, he didn’t dare to choke with Huo Ran verbally. He could only watch Huo Ran triumphantly leave in front of him after making these actions.

After seeing Huo Ran leaving, the surrounding people also dispersed one after another.

It’s just that their actions fell into Zhang Sunshan’s eyes, and he didn’t calm down for a long time.

Zhang Sunshan’s eyes kept looking around, he always felt that everyone was mocking him.

For people like him, because there are too many deficiencies in normal times, once they are caught by others, they always feel that no one will have any kindness when facing him. look.

I have to say that this can be regarded as the sad thing about Zhang Sunshan.

After Huo Ran left Zhang Sunshan, he completely left this soul behind. After all, this was just a rock-paper-scissors guy, and there was really no need to put too much energy into him.

Compared to people like Zhang Sunshan, Huo Ran is unwilling to focus his attention on those who already have a lot of classic works in the directorship.

After all, these people have a real level, and for people like Zhang Sunshan, it is just a joke in the director circle.

Kai Ran originally thought that even if he was kind to those directors with classic works, people would not be willing to pay attention to him when facing him. After all, he still had too few works on hand, but Huo Ran was far away. I underestimated myself. After the success of these works, how big an increase in his status can be brought.

When Dianran just came to the classic directors, before he took the initiative to speak, these directors smiled at him and said.

“We have been paying attention to your work, Nan Ran, for a long time. We are very pleased that someone like you appears among the younger generation.”

Before Huo Ran could answer, the other director next to him also smiled and said to him.

“Nan Ran, you will have to work hard in the future, but you also have to remember that when facing some villains, don’t casually reveal your true emotions.

“After all, in this industry, there are countless people who want to seize your handle. If you leak too much of your true emotions, then it is very likely that you will cause huge troubles.”

What the director said is like a point of reference to those lines just mentioned by Zhang Sunshan. After hearing these descriptions from the other party, he was busy expressing gratitude to these directors.

*. “Thank you director, I have already remembered what you said.

The director looked at Huo Ran with satisfaction.

“In the future, pay more attention to the column of the work (for Li’s), and don’t be affected by these guys. Many times their provocation against you is to make you lose control of your emotions. After all, except for this As far as things are concerned, there is nothing else they can oppress you.”

These words spoken by these directors were merciless. Although the directors of Zhang Sunshan and Zheli were far away, these words soon passed into Zhang Sunshan’s ears, and Zhang Sunshan was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

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