Chapter 1345 Impressed by beauty

Although he knew that Liu Yifei was an absolute beauty before coming to this world, he and Liu Yifei had never cooperated, so he has always been able to see how beautiful Liu Yifei can be from the lens. Come to watch.

Seeing Liu Yifei today, Huo Ran realized that the conditions on the lens were not enough to describe her beauty.

The filters that often appear on the lens have a great impact on Liu Yifei’s beauty. Liu Yifei looks more beautiful than the lens.

“Hello, Director Huo Ran, what can you do?” Liu Yifei asked Huo Ran.

The manner in which she speaks seems to be in line with the roles she has played in the TV series all the time. It can be seen that her own personality is that kind of rather cold personality.

Huo Ran didn’t care about this matter. After all, Liu Yifei is a beauty, and the beauty can get everyone’s preferential treatment after all.

The beauty of Liu Yifei in this world has not changed the slightest compared to the world where Huo Ran originally lived, but the reputation between the two of them has changed a lot.

In this world, Liu Yifei has not filmed that series of martial arts dramas, so although he is famous in the entertainment circle for his beauty, he does not have much fan base.

Seeing Liu Yifei’s appearance today, Huo Ran suddenly knew what he should shoot for his next work.

Since Liu Yifei was famous in the martial arts drama in the world he was in before, he didn’t need to change this state.

He wanted to make Liu Yifei an enduring beauty in the martial arts world, Huo Ran said with a smile at Liu Yifei’s outstretched hand.

“I plan to shoot a few unruly movies in the follow-up time. Are you interested in becoming my actor?”

Liu Yifei heard Huo Ran’s words and looked at Huo Ran in surprise.

What does Director Huo Ran mean? He and her are just meeting each other for the first time. Why does Director Huo Ran suddenly invite him?

Seeing Liu Yifei’s refusal to answer him, Huo Ran’s heart glared.

Could it be that the words I just said were too abrupt, so that Liu Yifei couldn’t believe it?

Zhiran was still thinking about what method he should use to make up for it, when he saw Liu Yifei pointed at him, his tone of voice was incredulous.

“Does Director Huo Ran really plan to work with me next?”

Zhiran smiled and nodded. It turned out that Liu Yifei didn’t answer her sister’s answer just now because she was not scared…

“But why is this? As far as I know, director Huo Ran and I should meet for the first time. You don’t know much about me. Why are you sure I can be an actor in your TV series?”

“Wait until Director Huo Ran, will you behave so sloppyly when you are qualifying actors?”

When Huo Ran was talking to Liu Yifei, other actors also surrounded this place.

When everyone heard Liu Yifei’s words, they couldn’t help but gasp, and their eyes were full of shock when they looked at Liu Yifei.

What exactly is this woman talking about? Director Huo Ran is willing to invite him to film a TV series. She actually has to refute Director Huo Ran.

Don’t Liu 1.8 Yifei know that if you missed this opportunity, it is very likely that you will not be able to stand up in the entertainment circle in the future?

Someone who knew Liu Yifei saw this scene in front of him, and they all wished to rush forward to block Liu Yifei to prevent him from saying a few more words to annoy Huo Ran.

But before they could make this move, Huo Ran said with a smile.

“I chose you, of course, because your face is beautiful enough.”.

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