Chapter 1353 Huo Ran got out of the entertainment circle

“In my opinion, the person who should get out of the entertainment industry is Huo Ran. As a director, this guy always needs to make all kinds of hype. There is really no need for this kind of person to stay in. In this business.”

“Hate Huo Ran! I hate works related to Huo Ran, I promise I will stay away from him in the future!”

At the beginning, Huo Ran’s comment area was occupied by fans of various traffic factions, and they humiliated Huo Ran in various ways.

But it didn’t take long for Huo Ran’s fans to join in. Liu Yifei’s fans had already started to end with some passers-by, and they responded to them below those who criticized Huo Ran.

“Huo Ran said that there are some guys in the entertainment industry who have neither good cheeks nor good acting skills. People like you can’t wait to jump out. Why isn’t 257 poke your pain? Do you also clearly realize that My idol is nothing but glass slag.”

“The guy I heard at this moment is just a joke. Why are you taking the initiative to come and check in? If this is the case, then lie down obediently and laugh at it. Why do you need to jump up and down here?”

“Those who say that Huo Ran is not qualified to comment, are they blind? Haven’t they seen that the master from home doesn’t even have a classic work?”

“Although we Huo Ran have a small number of works, all classics, whether it is a TV series or a movie, have their own masterpieces. Those guys who dare to mock Huo Ran should return to take a look at their home owners. Is there any use in the end?”

In addition to Huo Ran’s fans and some passersby, Liu Yifei’s fans also rushed to this place after seeing Huo Ran speaking for Liu Yifei, and confronted those who dared to black Huo Ran.

“From today on, we will not shy away from saying that Liu Yifei is a vase. After all, many other stars can only be called glass slag!’

“Yes, some celebrity fans dare to laugh at our Liu Yifei as a vase. Our Liu Yifei’s acting skills are not good. We know it ourselves and we are working hard, but some people only dare to use some (bcbi) substitutes. People like this say that they are glass slag, and they are all flattering!”

“Think about it now, Liu Yifei is really aggrieved, with good looks and hard work, but because the chain family is so beautiful, many people completely ignore Liu Yifei’s strength, I have to say that Director Huo Ran is really awesome! Have the ability to know the pearls!

The multi-party melee in the entertainment industry is also rapidly unfolding in this event. Such melee kills the earth and the sun and the moon.

Countless people were forced to be involved in this melee, and they were constantly engaged in frontal confrontations.

What is completely different from the Internet is that Huo Ran in real life has a completely peaceful appearance. It seems that these battles on the Internet have no connection with him.

The agent looked at Huo Ran indifferently, and couldn’t help but let out a few spouting sighs.I don’t know if those guys who are constantly arguing on the Internet know Huo Ran’s status. The time I wasted, I feel a bit of bitterness.

However, this guy is really a cold-blooded guy. ,

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