Chapter 1358 Liu Yifei apologizes

Since Huo Ran debuted, his investment in each of his works has been able to reach 200 to 300 million, but usually at least TV shows that require special effects

However, apart from some antique buildings from beginning to end, there is no big expense in this TV series. Why does Huo Ran want to invest so much?

The vast majority of TV stations seem to have no way to withstand such a large investment.

Huo Ran’s previous works are the same. After the news of his TV series came out, the entire market did not show pride and optimism about Huo Ran. Huo Ran naturally paid attention to these things, but for such things The situation, he did not take it to heart.

He still devoted himself to the shooting of the TV series.

After seeing her questioning on the Internet, Liu Yifei thought for a while and walked to Huo Ran after finishing the day of filming.

“I’m sorry, Director Huo Ran made you suffer such doubts today.” Liu Yifei’s face was full of apologies.

In her opinion, if it weren’t for her, Huo Ran would not have been attacked by so many people.

Huo Ran heard (bcbi) Liu Yifei’s words, smiled and shook his head.

“I don’t know why you feel that you have to take all the responsibilities on yourself, but I have to tell you that everything in this has nothing to do with you.”

“Huh?” Liu Yifei looked at Huo Ran in surprise, making it clear that those people were deliberate? Why did Director Huo Ran say these things have nothing to do with him?

“Instead of worrying about these, you might as well think about it. In the follow-up time, in what way should you continuously observe those older people, and in what way should you step into their actions. In between, what kind of action will be used?”

This sentence that needs Ran said is also the direction that Liu Yifei has been working hard in this period of time, but she still can’t relax her mind before she can answer her doubts.

Huo Ran looked at Liu Yifei and sighed helplessly.Why didn’t he find that this woman was such a persistent woman before?

“There really isn’t much connection between them and you. What these people have said so far is actually me.”

“What do you mean by this sentence?”

“The person criticized on the Internet is actually me. Why do you say that the person they want to attack is you?”

“That’s because the persimmons are all soft and pinched!”

Zhiran said with a smile.

“Although I was an actor before, but because I rarely participate in activities in the entertainment circle now, people like me can only regard my identity as a simple director.”

“Under such circumstances, my private life will not have much impact on my personal development.”

“If I can’t get a handle anymore, but I want to destroy my TV series, I can only find the actresses in the TV series in trouble.”

After the restrained words fell, Liu Yifei began to fall into silence. He didn’t expect that the inside story of these things would be like this. After a while, Xiao Wang couldn’t help but put on a bitter smile on his mouth.

“If you look at it from this perspective, then I can be considered useful, at least I can help you through a lot of trouble.”

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