Chapter 1385 Snail powder naming

“If it weren’t for Huo Ran, I would probably think that there is no real emotion in this entertainment circle except for the four walls!”

“It is strongly recommended that directors who do variety shows in China pay close attention to Huo Ran’s variety shows, look at other people’s shooting methods, and look at their post-editing. Don’t you all feel ashamed?”

If one person does Amway, it is naturally impossible to cause too many waves of “two and eighty”, but if millions of people think of a variety show. It’s a very good show, so it’s hard not to be popular in this variety show.

In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Huo Ran’s show smashed a bloody road with a gesture beyond imagination.

At this time, those who had originally questioned Huo Ran all closed their mouths and couldn’t help it.Under such circumstances, if they dare to say that Huo Ran’s show has nothing to watch, I am afraid that some of the fans are not. To tear them off completely.

After the agent noticed the change in word-of-mouth on the Internet, the smile on his face couldn’t stop. He also invested 10% in this variety show.

Now according to the popularity of this program, it is estimated that they will be able to make at least hundreds of millions of profits with this program in the future.

The agent feels exasperated when he thinks of this

Before the filming of their show started, because Huo Ran had already declared the content of the show, many businessmen who had originally intended to name the show chose to retreat.

In their opinion, this show has nothing to praise and attract attention.

But after the show and unimaginable posture became popular, businesses naturally realized in the fastest time that the naming of the show would surely enable their commercial brands to be promoted to a greater extent.

The agent’s phone call was once again caught in the rush as it was when the original TV series was broadcast.

This time, when the agent waved a check in front of these merchants and wanted to name them, he quite arrogantly refused.

Every time, they used a final decision that had not yet been made to prevaricate them.

Although these merchants feel angry about the broker’s attitude, under the current situation, they have no better way and can only wait patiently for the broker’s decision.

When the agent stayed in the office, he fell into a state of euphoria. He pointed out that Huo Ran suddenly opened the door and walked in at this time.

“The name of our show, you haven’t decided yet?” Huo Ran asked to the agent.

The agent nodded.

“I really didn’t decide, what’s the matter?”

“If you haven’t decided yet, then I can tell you now that our show will be named by snail fans.”

The agent stood up suddenly and looked at Huo Ran’s eyes with disbelief.

Snail powder?

What the hell is this?

It sounds like a thing that is not up to the grade.

How can such things be linked to their programs?

“Do you know how many cosmetics want to cooperate with me these days, and there are many fast-moving consumer goods, this is the gold master in the advertising industry, 1.8 don’t you think you want to name a snail powder now? Is it too low grade?”

The agent retorted to Huo Ran.

“It’s not up to the grade, it’s a delicacy, and if our program can make snail noodles famous, it will have a great impact on the lives of tens of thousands of people in a city in the future.”

Huo Ran insisted. .

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