Chapter 1393 Surrounded by the director

Huo Ran asked, looking at the other TV station leaders sitting in the conference room, frowning slightly.

“This is just a documentary, not a TV series and other works in the conventional sense. Don’t you think that the enthusiasm for this documentary is too high?”

For Huo Ran, he really didn’t understand why people like them suddenly behaved so eagerly. After his ghost sound fell, the directors of these TV stations said helplessly to Huo Ran.

“We don’t want to put too much heat on ourselves. After all, it’s a miracle that things like 287 videos want to spread all over the country. But because of your previous works, we have already suffered a great deal of ridicule. Huo Ran, do you want to watch us being abused by others?”

Although the directors of other TV stations have not opened, but at this moment they are also continuing to reconcile, Huo Ran smiled helplessly.

“Where is it so serious?”

When his words fell, these directors instantly found a little bit of their grievances to vent.

In a battle with a TV station, they placed their mobile phone in front of Huo Ran. At this moment, they also adjusted the page of the mobile phone to the comment area on the public platform Huo Ran, watching the vast majority of people in the comment area. They were all ridiculed, and the smile on his original face had completely disappeared at this moment.

Earlier, the agent once said that the things he did in the entertainment industry may have the greatest impact on other people when they face him, but Huo Ran did not take these things to heart. .

In his impression, after all, if he wants to stock in the entertainment industry, his psychological endurance must be higher than that of other industries. This is the status quo of the entertainment industry.

Although I know that such a thing is wrong, there is no way to make better changes.

But after seeing the insults in the comment area today, Huo Ran suddenly (bcbi) realized that he should appeal to this matter, otherwise, so many people have been insulted for no reason. Over time, these people really It is possible to put all the responsibilities on him.

Huo Ran nodded to the director of the TV station.

“I have discussed this documentary with Wen Yusheng. I must put this documentary on his TV station and mine. There is no way to satisfy you with these things.”

These words of restraint made the faces of these directors sink in an instant.

They originally thought that Huo Ran would definitely agree after they talked to this level. They never thought that Huo Ran would refuse it again.

For these directors, at this time they felt that Huo Ran seemed a little too ignorant to praise.

We have all sold so badly that you are still indifferent. Where has the mutual help and love in the entertainment industry gone?

Fortunately, before Huo Ran had time to be harsh, Huo Ran’s next sentence filled the hearts of these directors with joy.

Thanks to the slowness of my mouth.

Otherwise, this new TV series cannot be placed on its own TV station”

“In case someone digs out, because the momentary verbal refusal to cooperate with Huo Ran, I am afraid that the scene they will face at that time will be hundreds or thousands of times more difficult than it is now.

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