Chapter 1398 I’ll give you a holiday

People from other companies may feel very scared after seeing their bosses do this place.

But because these staff have been cooperating with Huo Ran for a long time, they have already discovered that Huo Ran is a person who doesn’t have much prestige, so they didn’t care much about the appearance of Huo Ran.

What’s more, after a series of shootings in the recent period, everyone has instinctively felt that once this documentary is released, it will become the hottest documentary, so everyone is holding a breath in their hearts.

They must make this record 290 a classic in everyone’s mind, and there will be no one here to deal with it, everyone is working hard against the clock.

Huo Ran has been patrolling this place for a long time, and after solving a lot of problems, it is only half an hour left to get off work at this moment. He clapped his hands and attracted everyone’s attention.

“It’s getting late. Taking advantage of half an hour before the break, let’s have a small meeting here.

After hearing Huo Ran’s words, the staff reluctantly put down their work, although they were a little confused, (bcbi) projected their attention on Huo Ran’s body.

“Recently, I know that everyone is very busy. We have not rested for a month. I decided to give you two days off tomorrow so that you can go home and have a good rest.

After Huo Ran’s sentence fell, it did not get everyone’s approval as he expected. Instead, several staff members said to Huo Ran with dissatisfaction.

“Boss is watching our documentary, which is about to be released. In two days, do you know how much more work we can do?”

It was not just one person who made such a complaint. The other staff only heard what the staff member said, and then they all echoed it one after another.

“That’s right, boss, in ten days, our documentary will be put on the Internet soon. What if there is a problem in these two days? Or wait until the sixth day is broadcasted before we talk about these things. ”

If the bosses of other companies heard their employees’ demands one by one not to take a holiday, they probably couldn’t help but smile brightly, but after hearing what they said, Huo Ran shook them again. Shook his head.

“No, I think it will start broadcasting soon, so you should take a good rest.”

“What are you doing?” the staff member said dissatisfiedly.

“You do documentaries and what you do is still food documentaries. You can’t do it completely behind closed doors. You need to go outside to get a lot of feelings and see if there are any other aspects that can be placed in our documentaries.”

“The documentary is not about high and low, but has a scent of fireworks, so you must go back and take a good rest.”

Huo Ran’s words set the tone for his holiday time today.Even if other staff members are thinking of opposing, they know that they don’t have any resistance at this moment, so they have to face Huo Ran helplessly. Nodded.

Jianran looked at his house and smiled and then added good news to them.

“Of course, it’s not just a holiday for you. You have two days off. You must have a good time.”

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