Chapter 1400 The vitality of the documentary follow-up

Huo Ran needs to discuss with Wen Yusheng what method should be used to record and promote the documentary after it is broadcast.

An ordinary documentary often has exhausted all its vitality when they play in the first round. In the subsequent time, we can only wait for netizens to inquire about their existence on the Internet, and continue to contribute to the broadcast volume.

Because the “two-nine-zero” interval is relatively short when the documentary is broadcast, and various advertisements rarely appear in the compilation of the record. This makes it extremely difficult for documentaries to make profits.

This kind of thing has always been the overall trouble faced by the documentary industry, and it has restricted the development of documentary.

But this is obviously meaningless to Huo Ran.

His documentary has not had time to be broadcast, and it has begun to attract the attention of many TV stations.

Although these TV stations are only relatively small TV stations, there are also good reputations among them.

Placing the documentary on these TV stations will definitely help the documentary’s popularity to further increase, so that they can get more investment when they shoot the second and third seasons.

Remembering that before he arrived in this world, in the world he was in, Huo Ran would never allow only this one to be filmed in the world he was originally in. It is also a huge waste.

Under such circumstances, how to choose the broadcasting platform for the second and third rounds has become a top priority for them.

After arriving at Wen Yusheng’s office, Huo Ran found that there was another TV station manager in Wen Yusheng’s room.

The other party obviously did not expect that Huo Ran would appear in this place today. Seeing Huo Ran, the other party’s face showed a bit of surprise, but he quickly recovered and his face began to sink.

As she looked at the other side, she frowned slightly.

In his impression, there is no connection between himself and the director of the TV station.Why would the other party treat him with such an attitude?

Wen Yusheng didn’t seem to see the weird atmosphere between the two of them, and introduced to Huo Ran…

“Huo Ran, this is the director of Xinghan TV Station, Chen Haodong.”

“Chen Haodong, this is the famous director Huo Ran.”

Wen Yusheng said with a smile.

The control gave Wen Yusheng a lot of face. Although this Chen Haodong seemed very cold, Huo Ran still actively greeted him.

But his face is very obvious, Chen Haodong didn’t put it in his eyes.

After listening to Wen Yusheng’s words, Chen Haodong only nodded coldly at Huo Ran, as if he didn’t care about Huo Ran at all.

Wen Yusheng has been in the entertainment industry for decades, although he can see the 1.8 dark wave between Huo Ran and Chen Haodong, he took this opportunity to whisper to Huo Ran.

“What’s wrong? Have you ever offended Chen Haodong before?”

Huo Ran shook his head helplessly after hearing this sentence: “I tell you, it’s the first time I met each other. Do you still think I offended him?”

Wen Yusheng heard what Huo Ran said, only to feel that he was beginning to fall into complete confusion. .

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