Chapter 1404 Little belly chicken intestine guy

Huo Ran and Wen Yusheng began to talk about their subsequent broadcasts.

Chen Haodong, who left from this place, waited for him to sit back in the car, but his face still had an aggrieved look.

“Huo Ran, Wen Yusheng, you two are very good, you will wait for Laozi!”

Chen Haodong gritted his teeth and said that after the driver heard Chen Haodong’s words, he realized that Chen Haodong should have suffered a huge grievance in this office today. The TV station is on~ go.

For Huo Ran, although he knows very well, today this matter will definitely develop in the follow-up time.

The guy Chen Haodong looks like a man with a small belly, and it is absolutely impossible to pick up the matter high and gently put it down, but Huo Ran did not take it to heart, anyway, the soldiers came to the soil to block the water and the soil-to sigh.

“The purpose of my coming today is to ask what you plan to do in the follow-up time of our documentary?” Huo Ran asked.

Wen Yusheng looked at Huo Ran suspiciously: “Why do you think of this suddenly? Haven’t we already said that this documentary will be broadcast on two TV stations?”

“I do agree with this point, but are the second and third rounds of our documentary broadcast also on our own TV station? If this is the case, it should have a great impact on the follow-up promotion of the documentary.” Huo Ran continued to explain.

After staying in the entertainment industry for so long, he also knew that he could never eat alone.

If it can help him live a better life in the entertainment circle by dividing some of the benefits, Huo Ran will not have any stingy in this regard.

Wen Yusheng’s brows frowned slightly.

He hadn’t really thought about this before, and even in his impression, there has never been any documentary that other TV stations would want to buy the right to broadcast the second and third rounds.

In Wen Yusheng’s view, this issue does not require any consideration at all, but since Huo Ran has already raised it today, it means that Huo Ran is a dead end and has sufficient information, and he is not good at it. Huo Ran’s cold water was poured on everything.

…For flowers…………

“If this is the case, then it’s up to you to decide. I think you will know better than me. On which platform to put the documentary on, it will bring us more benefits.” Wen Yusheng was silent for a while. , Responded to Huo Ran.

He nodded when he heard Wen Yusheng’s words.

Wen Yusheng became more satisfied with deciding which TV station to broadcast, and invisibly will accumulate more contacts through this event in the future.

Wen Yusheng handed over this benefit to him in such a straightforward manner, which shows that he is a very broad-minded person. Huo Ran silently thought in his heart that he could cooperate more with Wen Yusheng in the future.

After all, the cooperation between the two of them is still pleasant.

After talking about the follow-up solution, although Huo Ran was still staying in Wen Yusheng’s room, the communication between the two parties had begun, and gradually turned to small talk.

In the promotion of his status in the entertainment circle, although most people begin to pay more attention to his emotions, he does not need to pay much attention to the emotions of others. Son,

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