Chapter 1408 Sparked discussion

After all, for many viewers, although they have already expressed their recognition of Huo Ran’s strength, the documentary was originally a non-niche existence, and they would naturally not put too much energy on the recording side.

But after they logged on to the entertainment platform again, they were surprised to find that a documentary about food was being discussed everywhere on this platform, and countless people had question marks in their heads.

What the hell is going on? It’s just a documentary, how can it be so popular?

After they saw that the hot searches were actually occupied by this documentary, at this moment these people finally couldn’t suppress their curiosity and began to click into the documentary.

This action instantly made everyone fully feel the 297 mode of real fragrance.

After they completed the supplement of the first episode on the Internet, they clicked on the second episode non-stop.

At this moment, the discussion on Huo Ran documentary on the Internet has also begun to increase.

“Oh my god, I finally understand now that Director Huo Ran has nothing he can’t do. Since fantasy and science fiction works have received extremely high praise, I now have only one thought in my heart. That is to see what aspect his next work will involve?”

(bcbi)” Director Huo Ran’s works have never been consistent. Doesn’t this mean that Huo Ran will also use his strength to occupy all walks of life?

“I’m very curious about how many different movies and TV shows Director Huo Ran can shoot in the future. Will he become the ceiling of the entertainment industry and an existence that no one can pursue?”

Of course, if someone praises in the entertainment circle, there will be some crazy complaints.

“My day, that is just a short documentary, where so many people are used to partying here, let me say that this kind of documentary is of a standard that can be seen everywhere in the entertainment industry!”

“I now know how powerful Huo Ran is. It was impossible for a documentary to attract too many people’s attention, but now it can be sent to hot searches. Is this hot search bought? I think those fans of Huo Ran know it well!”

“Huo Ran quickly get out of the entertainment circle, I don’t want to see its existence in the entertainment circle anymore, why does this guy always appear in front of me in the shadows?”

If someone complains about Huo Ran on weekdays, most people will hold the posture that it doesn’t matter to them, and will not refute them.

But today, when the Huo Ran documentary just went to success, countless people on the road saw these people and couldn’t help but end after the indiscriminate madness.

“You guys who criticize the content of Huo Ran’s documentary, can you take a good look at the terrible works that the masters you like have made? They are actually looking forward to being able to compare with Huo Ran, It’s just dreaming!

“Can you sunspots find a little bit of useful angles to complain about? These words that are being said now will simply become a joke in the entertainment industry!”.

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