Chapter 1439 With evidence

Can the Golden Order be neglected to such an extent?

Hearing this, Huo Ran was slightly stunned.

Of course, he couldn’t tell his agent that the reason why this kind of picture appeared was because the system in his mind helped him do it.

After thinking about it, Huo Ran stumbled and said.

“You can get these images anyway. As for the other aspects are my own business, I still don’t tell you. After all, I told others that I would never reveal their news.”

The agent nodded when he heard this, but he confirmed to Huo Ran again: “Are you sure the video can’t be fake?”

Huo Ran smiled and nodded. Of course, it can’t be fake. If even this kind of video can be fake, then there is probably no real video in this world.

Although he didn’t know why such a video appeared in the system, he knew very well that even if other people cheat him in this world, the system is absolutely impossible to cheat him.

After the agent got Huo Ran’s confirmation, the fear on his face has disappeared without a trace. At this time, his face is full of bright smiles, and even when he can’t control his emotions, he even sends out a few words. Hahaha~ laugh.

“I really want to take a look at it now. After this video bursts out, how ugly the face of the Golden Order is.-”

“Are we going to explode the video now?” Huo Ran asked to the agent.

“Of course not. We should stay behind quietly. We will do it again after the Golden Order shows all his methods are on display.”

The agent’s face was complacent.

“I’m telling you, with this video, even if the videos you played for the Golden Order broke out, now in everyone’s minds, it can be regarded as excusable, and everyone’s criticism of you is definitely not comparable. , For the attack on the Golden Order, that guy can be regarded as shooting himself in the foot.

Zhiran smiled and shook his head. The agent was able to watch Huo Ran’s movements, and Xin raised it again.

“Is there anything else in this?”

Looking at the look of his own manager, he smiled and soothed.

“You don’t need to worry so much. Since I can get this video into your hands, do you think the videos I shot him might break out?”

…Please ask for flowers………

The agent’s eyes lit up instantly.

“What does it mean?”

“Are you saying that guy has no proof at all?”

Zhiran stopped teasing his agent at this time, and nodded with a smile.

“Of course, I can take such a private video into my own hands, so the videos I played with him, of course, cannot continue to survive in this world.”

“You can do whatever you want. There is no evidence in the back of the house.

At this time, the agent had an urge to take a few firecrackers and put them outside.

Even in his heart, he couldn’t help but light a candle silently for the Golden Xun’s Day.

This guy will be ruined in the entertainment industry.

He deserves it, who would let him provoke Huo Ran on his own initiative?

After I explained these things clearly, I left the matter behind. Everything was done by his own agent. He didn’t care much, compared to Huo Ran’s Feng Qingyun. To put it lightly, the attitude of the Golden Order is obviously much more intense. Son.

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