Chapter 1449 Assistant watch loyal

In an instant, Jin Xunjie stood up from the chair and rushed in front of the assistant.

“Have you finished filming everything that should be done?”

The assistant nodded.

“I filmed all the people in the company. In the next time, I need to do some editing in the later stage and find the best person among them.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Jin Xunjie’s face, and he reached out and patted the assistant’s shoulder gently.

“This is a good job. After I pull Huo Ran off the altar, I will give you a good reward.”

Although the assistant was reluctant to do this, but now after hearing this sentence of the Golden Order, he still smiled.

“Then thank you boss!

“Just click and try to get rid of all this tonight.”

“I want Huo Ran to realize that he has fallen off the altar when he wakes up early tomorrow morning. I want him to fully feel the pain of being severely humiliated by others-!”

There was resentment on the face of the Golden Order.

He has always been unforgettable about the fact that many viewers poured into his comment area to mock him after shooting a work, and he still had to compare him with Huo Ran. That’s why he treated Huo Ran. -But it’s because of hands-on.

At the beginning, he suffered a great mental self, and today she wants Huo Ran to feel the pain well.

I have to say that there is not much connection between that incident and Huo Ran.

To put it bluntly, they are just some keyboard men who can find their own sense of existence on the Internet.

However, the Golden Order should attribute all the responsibilities to Huo Ran’s over-excellence, which is too distorted.

After hearing the instructions of the Golden Order, the assistant nodded and returned to his office with the camera.

According to the instructions of the Golden Order, he will come up with the final result within today, so he must work harder.

The company of the Golden Order is intensively preparing for the framing of Huo Ran, but Huo Ran has never taken this matter to heart.

He is in his office at the moment, communicating with Bingbing about the script.

…Please ask for flowers………

“Take a good look at this part of the script outline. I don’t think there is anything that needs to be revised.”

Zhiran put the script in his hand into Bingbing’s hands.

After Bingbing heard Huo Ran’s words, he took the script and opened the first page. Even now he has begun to take the script into his own hands. He still feels that he can receive Huo Ran’s TV series. Very surprised.

Probably only after the actual filming of the TV series will he be able to dispel those worries in his heart.

I can suddenly feel that the pie is not as peaceful as before when facing him, but he has no better way of this matter, and can only pretend that he has not seen it.

For Bingbing, she has watched all the works shot by Huo Ran in recent days.

The content presented in each work is worthy of the classic title given by the audience.

For Huo Ran’s script, she originally had great confidence. Son,

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