Chapter 1462 Faithful assistant

“You don’t need to appear in front of Chen Jialu, who knows if this bastard will do other things to you.

As Bing Bing’s assistant, Chen Huahua always followed Bing Bing on weekdays. She knew clearly that Chen Jialu had always targeted Bing Bing.

On several occasions, if it weren’t for the pancakes to be vigilant enough, they would fall into Chen Jialu’s scheme.

Chen Huahua has always been looking forward to Bingbing’s departure from this company.

It’s a pity that she doesn’t have much room to talk in front of Bingbing on weekdays, and Chen Jialu’s actions are relatively hidden. Even if she persuades Bingbing, she can’t find a good opportunity.

But today is different. Today, Chen Jialu has directly torn her face in the company. Chen Huahua feels that these words are just right for Bingbing.

After the flowers fell, Chen Huahua lowered her head slightly, with a look of ambition on her face, while Bingbing showed her gaze on the child several times before suddenly speaking.

“If I say I am going to another company now, would you like to follow me,”?”

Chen Huahua suddenly raised her head, looking surprised at Bingbing.

“Sister, what do you mean?”

“I have been in contact with Huo Ran now, and his company is very optimistic about me, so he plans to cooperate with me in the follow-up time.”

“If you want, I still lack an assistant by my side. You can follow me.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Hua couldn’t help but nod his head.

“Yes, of course I am, sister, I really didn’t expect you to let me continue to follow you.”

“What’s unimaginable, you have always done it well by my side. If I leave you rashly, I will be reluctant.” Bingbing said with a smile at Chen Huahua.

“This is a contract cancellation letter. As long as you give this contract cancellation letter to Chen Jialu, he will have nothing to do with me in the future.”

Bingbing shook the contract termination contract a few times at Chen Huahua, and the smile on Chen Huahua’s face began to become brighter.

“I really didn’t expect you to have such a good relationship with Director Huo Ran. He is the director I admire most. I am so excited to be able to join Huo Ran’s company.”

As Chen Huahua spoke, there were already some tears in her eyes.

Looking at Chen Huahua’s appearance, Bingbing began to regret a bit.

This guy won’t be a fanatic of Zhiran, right?

If he were really brought to Huo Ran’s company, would it not cause Huo Ran to cause trouble?

Bingbing comforted Chen Huahua with a few words, and he walked back to Chen Jialu’s office again.

Ye Changmeng has many dreams. She doesn’t want to spend one more minute in this company.

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Bingbing knocked on Chen Jialu’s door again.

There was a grumpy roar from inside the room.

(Good good)”,” Didn’t Laozi say not to disturb me?”

But Bingbing didn’t care about what Chen Jialu said, so she pushed the door and walked in.

Chen Jialu originally planned to roar again.

A sneer suddenly evoked the corner of his mouth when he saw that it turned out to be the pie.

“Why did you come suddenly? You realized your problem, so you came to apologize to me?

Bingbing smiled and shook his head. .

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