Chapter 1464 Successful termination

After Bingbing successfully took away the contract from Chen Jialu, he turned his head and reminded Chen Jialu with a smile.

“I’ve also talked to Chen Huahua, so she won’t cooperate with you in the follow-up time. She decided to go to Huo Ran’s company with me.”

After putting this sentence down, Bingbing opened the door and walked out.

He noticed that Chen Jialu kept roaring furiously behind her, but Bingbing only glanced contemptuously, beckoning Chen Huahua to leave from this place.

Bingbing’s contract termination soon spread throughout the company.

Everyone was quite surprised by this, but because these people don’t have a good relationship with Bingbing on weekdays, it is difficult for them to get the slightest bit of news from Bingbing’s mouth, and they can only let it go. Doubts continue to spread in my heart.

Huo Ran received the news of the smooth termination of the contract, which means that Huo Ran’s agent also received the news.

At this time, the agent understood how much trouble Huo Ran caused him without saying anything. After he got the shots from Huo Ran’s mobile phone, he knew that Chen Jialu’s company would never give up. .

Now Bianbing has left this company under Huo Ran’s bewitching, which means that in the following time, he estimates that he will start to be busy again.

Thinking that the issue of the Golden Order had not been resolved, Huo Ran couldn’t wait to find Chen Jialu for him.Does this guy think that he is living too leisurely every day?

The economic man’s heart is full of complaints, but it is a pity that Huo Ran has already been familiar with his style, and has never put his attitude in his eyes.

After the agent sighed helplessly, he just started to work hard.

The work content of the public relations department has also begun to further increase.

Chen Jialu’s counterattack came quickly.

On the Internet began to post pictures about the close action between Huo Ran and Bingbing.

Pie Pie can only be regarded as a third-line Chen Jialu star in the entertainment circle, so soon everyone began to criticize Pie Pie.

…Please ask for flowers………

[I’ll just say why this woman has always appeared on the Internet recently. It turns out that this woman has already been posted on a large household!][I didn’t realize that Huo Ran was a guy who didn’t want to cleanse himself. Why is he acting so recklessly now, but he’s just a coquettish bitch. Why should I get together?][Suddenly I began to wonder whether Bibing wanted to get more benefits from Huo Ran by virtue of her beauty, otherwise, what would she do if a female celebrity is so close to a male director? 】

[There is no clean person in my entertainment circle. Even if it is a third-line Chen Jialu star, it will take a lot of effort to get close to other people!]

Huo Ran was not originally on the Internet. These things were in my eyes, but after hearing the agent say that Bibing had been scolded on hot searches, Huo Ran frowned and turned on his computer.

After seeing so many slurs on the Internet and the photos of him and Bingbing, Huo Ran’s face began to become more and more ironic. Son,

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