Chapter 1469 Worried subordinates

After all, writing methods like this are indeed comparable to some third-rate directors.

The public relations staff continued to talk about Huo Ran while conducting public relations with this video.

Seeing the agent suddenly appeared in front of them, the public relations staff was shocked instantly, and quickly stood up to apologize to the agent.

The agent said with a smile watching them nervously.

“There is no need to worry so much. Since the other party has already exposed these videos, it means that the other party is for people to watch. You don’t need to be so scared about this matter.”

After hearing these words from the agent, the staff in the public relations department often took a sigh of relief, but soon their brows wrinkled slightly, and one of the public relations staff boldly asked the agent.

“Don’t you worry about this at all? If things continue to ferment like this, Director Huo Ran’s reputation will not be able to continue to be maintained.

“Don’t worry, what do I have to worry about?” The agent said with a smile, with an understatement, as if this matter really hadn’t been put in his eyes.

The staff of the public relations department glanced at each other, and they all could see from each other’s eyes suddenly ~ Dawu.

Sure enough, a huge contradiction has begun between Huo Ran and the agent. Otherwise, the agent would never show such an indifferent attitude when he saw that Huo Ran’s reputation was affected in this way.

At this time, the public relations staff couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

Now Huo Ran and the agent are in trouble. It is estimated that this company will have a lot of turmoil in the subsequent period. Whether they can continue to stay in this company is really two things. between.

The agent smiled and asked, looking at everyone’s heavy faces.

“What are you thinking about in your heads?”

Everyone shook their heads one by one to show that they didn’t think about anything.

If you let the agent know that they are here to make up this matter about the love and hatred between her and Huo Ran, I’m afraid they will have to go home and eat themselves now.

The agents also climbed up from their positions step by step, and they also have a bit of understanding of the brain replenishment capabilities of these ordinary workers.Looking at their heavy faces, they know that these guys are afraid that they have already taken the truth of the matter. Thought of thousands of miles away.

…Please ask for flowers………

In order to stabilize his military spirit as much as possible, he had to explain to them with a smile.

“The reason why I didn’t take this matter to heart is because this video is forged. In the next time, you only need to increase the popularity of this matter on the Internet as much as possible. .”

Although Tmall wrote an explanation, the staff of the public relations department let out a chill and looked at the agent in surprise.

“You mean, this video is fake from beginning to end?”

“Of course, not only do I know that they are fake, I also know that the purpose of these guys is to completely destroy Huo Ran’s reputation, so you have to make this matter as hot as possible, and wait until then. After aroused discussion by the whole people, let’s clarify.” Son,

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