Chapter 1486 Humiliation

Thanks to Huo Ran, when he talked about cooperation with him earlier, he did not refuse him, otherwise, if the shareholders knew about this matter, it is estimated that they would be able to overthrow him from the position of general manager.

It seems that when you encounter something related to Huo Ran in the future, you still have to be more cautious.

Chen Lulu reminded herself silently in her heart.

After receiving the response from the shareholders, Chen Lulu called Huo Ran the first time.

Huo Ran was originally forced to deal with the company’s related miscellaneous affairs under the encirclement of his agent. Seeing Chen Lulu’s phone call, his face instantly revealed a surprised look.

He was finally able to escape from the agent’s request.

Huo Ran backed out a few steps to prevent the agent from approaching, and shook the phone at him.

“Chen Lulu’s call, don’t bother me here.”

When the agent heard Huo Ran’s words, the motion on his feet hesitated a little.

After Huo Ran ended the appointment with Chen Lulu, he explained to him that Chen Lulu intends to cooperate with their company.

Although he felt that Chen Lulu’s company looked a bit humbling when facing them, after all, there had just been a conflict between the two of them.

But it has to be said that this development of the matter is also of great benefit to them.

At least you don’t need to worry about yourself, there is a huge enemy in the entertainment industry.

For the agent, although he believes in the strength of Huo Ran, he can mix well in the entertainment circle, but this industry is originally an industry that needs contacts.

If Huo Ran blindly offends others, it is very likely that he will be tripped inadvertently in the subsequent time. The agent still hopes that every step of Kai Ran goes smoothly.

After seeing that the agent stopped coming forward, Huo Ran took a deep breath and pressed the answer button.

“Hello, what’s the matter?”

“Hello Director Huo Ran, our company has reached a consensus internally, and we can agree to your request.

Huo Ran was already in anticipation of what Chen Lulu said, so after hearing these words, he only responded indifferently.

“Then I know, I will let the broker follow up the situation and sign a contract with you in your company.

When the voice fell, Huo Ran hung up the phone directly.

After seeing this move by Huo Ran, the agent next to him frowned slightly.

“No, you just have such a cold attitude?”

Huo Ran’s brows were lightly raised, and a bit of confusion began to emerge in the agent’s eyes.

“What’s wrong with my attitude, I think it’s normal!”

“Where is it normal?” 347 brokers said excitedly.

Huo Ran only felt speechless for a while seeing the look of his agent.

Why is his attitude abnormal?

Huo Ran simply stopped speaking, his eyes looked at the agent quietly, to see how the agent behaved in the next time.

“I’m telling you, your current performance is too bad.” At this time, the agent looked straightforward.

“Although your appearance is indeed pretty good, don’t forget, Chen Lulu’s appearance is also quite beautiful, when you are facing beautiful women, can’t you show your gentlemanly demeanor a little bit?” .

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