Chapter 1488 Full mobilization

After accepting this invitation, Huo Ran began to shoot non-stop.

Since time is so tight, relying on the strength of one person here, it is absolutely impossible to complete it within the prescribed time, so it is necessary to first call the agent in front of him and ask the agent.

“I have agreed to the directors’ union’s request to open a new movie!” Huo Ran faintly explained. After hearing Huo Ran’s words, the agent frowned slightly, and there was a little bit of expression in his eyes. Puzzled.

Why didn’t he hear Huo Ran mention this before?

“I only received 350 today!”

“Oh!” The agent suddenly realized that it was received today. No wonder he didn’t know.

“It is not a simple matter to shoot this movie, because after fifteen days, we have to hand over the film to each other.”

The agent’s relaxed mood was lifted up again at this moment. His eyes looked at Huo Ran in disbelief.

“Are you kidding me? You have to hand over the film to the other party within fifteen days. You are a director. You should know better than me how difficult it is to make a film?


It seems that under such a tight timeframe, Huo Ran should participate in it, which is crazy.

I nodded suddenly: “Of course I know this!”

“But for me, I have no way to refuse this request from the other party. I think you should also know very clearly that the directors’ union is not easy to mess with.

“Even if I don’t need to be too restrained by them now, but after the other party has finally made a request to me, after I have to reject the other party directly, how can I stay in this circle?”

The remarks made by Zhan Ran were justified and well-founded, and the agent sighed helplessly, and he had to admit that in this matter, if they really rejected the directors’ union, it would mean that the other party was completely offended. NS.

So how difficult this matter is, it must be completed within fifteen days.

Even if it is to make a shoddy movie, these directors must be able to see that Chengping’s agent thinks of this and faces Huo Ran’s tentative question.

“Actually, it can be done in fifteen days. As long as you see your requirements for the movie for the first time, then

The words behind the agent were pushed back under Huo Ran’s icy incident, and he silently nodded to Huo Ran.

“Well, I see, this matter is indeed my problem, and I shouldn’t have made such an idea.

“I would like to emphasize to you again, as long as it is a work that goes out of my hand, I will never allow the label of an underground town to be abused on that work, so you really don’t want to mention it to me in the next time. In this case.”

The agent nodded in a hurry, not daring to have more disputes with Huo Ran on this matter.

Now he also knows that he has just touched Huo Ran’s reverse scale. If he continues to talk about this matter, he is likely to come here to turn his face.

Huo Ran is now the God of Wealth in their company, he absolutely can’t. There are too many contradictions with Huo Ran in these matters.

She snorted coldly. After all, she did not continue to stalemate on this issue, but shifted the topic to follow-up work.

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