Chapter 1491 Beautiful picture

When this movie is opened from the first second, it can clearly show how powerful he is as a work of art.

In the office of the president of the film guild, Huo Ran’s movie is playing on the screen.

The first thing that kicked off was the people everywhere with smiles on their faces, constantly saying that the festival was about to begin.

After a period of noisy scenes, the picture began to be pushed into the supermarket. The impression of the supermarket and the vegetable market are the places where you can feel the festive atmosphere most.

From the people’s bargaining voices and their purchases of large and small bags, we can see how beautiful the days of Guotai Min’an are.

Of course, the overall picture cannot always be done with this group picture. Huo Ran12 quickly selected a small family in which a child hopes to get a holiday gift.

When the child revealed his idea of ​​wanting a cartoon character, soon the child’s grandfather. I began to search for the most suitable materials for the children in the whole village.

When the child’s grandfather had worked so hard to make the whole gift, the whole family showed a bright smile when he looked at the smile on the child’s face.

The performance of these scenes is extremely peaceful, Huo Ran did not even perform any dazzling skills during this shooting process, but this scene is quite exciting.

It was not until the end of the screen for ten minutes that everyone came back to their senses.

The chairman coughed lightly at this moment in the day, and after attracting everyone’s attention, he asked everyone.

“What do you think of this video that Huo Ran produced?”

The people who can review the film in this place are all people who have been in the entertainment industry for decades. After hearing this question from Wen Yitian, they hardly hesitate to say it.

“I think this work by Huo Ran is very good. It can be said that among the works we have seen so far, only Huo Ran’s work can get full marks!”

“If this movie is released, Huo Ran’s work will definitely get a good evaluation in front of everyone!”

“Everyone in Japan adopts this new way of taking pictures, and my heart is still full of worries. I always feel that I will get rebuttals from everyone at that time, but with this movie by Huo Ran, I think we will be able to get full by then. Word of mouth.”

After listening to everyone’s praise for Huo Ran’s movie, Wen Yitian also showed a smile on his face, and he was able to get such an excellent film. It can be seen that Huo Ran really used his mind during the filming process. He acted as the director 353. The president of the association can also be honoured with you.

But such happiness did not last long.

By the time his subordinates placed another movie on the screen, Wen Tian’s face had begun to look ugly.

The original 30-minute movie was only played for ten minutes, and the movie was closed after the sound of a day.

When the lights came on again, everyone saw Wen Yitian’s face showing anger.

Wen Yitian asked loudly to everyone present.

“What’s going on? Who made this film?”.

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