Chapter 1496 The video is mocked

The Golden Order originally published these films on the Internet. Fans can understand him, support him, and attack the people of the film association as much as possible to let them know how wrong it is not to choose themselves. Things.

Unexpectedly, the real release on the Internet would attract so many people to mock him.

At the very beginning, seeing these people’s evaluation of his works, the Golden Order also had a head-on confrontation with these people.

[What qualifications do you guys have to judge? You guys don’t know what art is!][Guys like you are simply ignorant guys, and they still have the face to tell me this, you bastards, let’s run!]

When the controversy was the most intense, the Golden Order found that there was no way to win them, and simply offered the most commonly used lawyer’s letter in the entertainment circle to these people.

On his platform, he directly faced the various commentators and released an elaborate video, in which he shouted with a serious face.

“You guys who slander me, just think about whether you can withstand the subsequent blows. If you continue like this, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

At the end of the picture, he took the lawyer’s letter and camera to show it carefully in front.

Viewed from the video, his actions did use tremendous mighty power, but after the lawyer was released, it did not achieve the desired effect of the Golden Order.

For a while, various ghosts and animals targeting him began to appear on the Internet.

Various ghost and animal videos of “It’s okay to dump you-a lawyer’s letter!” and “Are you afraid? I want to send you a lawyer’s letter” began to appear constantly.

Driven by the spread of these ghosts and animals, the comment area below him has become even more exciting.

[Oh my God, after seeing this lawyer letter from him, I felt like I was going to be scared to pee. The Golden Order is really amazing!][Yes, yes, I also know that this director is not allowed to be evaluated. When I saw him, I suddenly thought that those traditional gourmet restaurants have the same approach. As long as someone makes a bad review, I must publish it directly to them. The lawyer’s letter, it really has the same beauty!][Since I’m afraid of people’s comments, why should I post it on the Internet, I originally vowed to say that people like us will give him a good review, now it seems that this guy is an absolute joke!][There is really no need for a person like this to invest too much 357 energy on him. Since he wants to publish a lawyer’s notice, then publish it. Anyway, we are not afraid of him at all!]

The Golden Order saw that the decision he had made had not achieved the pre-determined effect, and when the scolding on him on the Internet began to become more and more severe, his face began to become more and more ferocious.

He really didn’t understand why this happened.

In the past, once the celebrities released the lawyer’s letter, a large number of people would always be scared, and they would not dare to say a word. Make more mockery of him?

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