Chapter 1688 You get out

In desperation, Zhou Junhao had to speak loudly to everyone present.

“I think you guys are crazy too!’

“Tell you, Chen Liren can no longer stay in this publishing house. What can you do if you follow behind him? After all, he can’t protect you!”

While talking, Zhou Junhao even planned to yell at Chen Liren, but before he could speak, Huo Ran said leisurely.

“Since everyone has let you go, then you should leave this place as soon as possible. If you provoke everyone to do 480 against you, wouldn’t it be a gang fight against you? Do you think that in that situation, How long can you support it?”

“Listen to people’s advice, continue to stay in this place where you are full, just get out of here!!

As Huo Ran said, he stood in front of Zhou Junhao again. His height gave Zhou Junhao much more power than others.

Zhou Junhao wanted to retort Huo Ran a few times, but looking at Huo Ran’s tall and strong body, he finally gave a cold snort and left from across from Huo Ran.

He thought viciously in his heart.

(bcbi) When Huo Ran’s work is put in front of the president, he must take this opportunity to tidy up Huo Ran. He wants Huo Ran to know who is the least in this publishing house. The existence of provoking.

After Zhou Junhao’s back disappeared before his eyes, Huo Ran turned his head and looked at the people who had just turned his head, and said with a smile to them.

“I am so grateful to you for this incident today. If it weren’t for you, I might be stepped in the mud!”

As far as Huo Ran is concerned, although he knows very clearly that this work will become a boutique in any publishing house, but. Since these people are willing to bear the loss of offending Zhou Junhao for him, he must also be informed.

After hearing what Huo Ran felt, everyone waved their hands at him with a smile, especially An Tongquan who just said excitedly at Huo Ran.

“The reason why we are willing to take the initiative for you is also because your work is enough to impress us. In our opinion, in the next few years, it is impossible to have a novel that surpasses your work!”

Huo Ran chuckled a few times.

After everyone chatted briefly with each other here, Huo Ran, accompanied by Chen Liren, continued to walk towards the office where the president was.

When their backs had gone farther and farther, the other person next to him said to An Tongquan.

“You were too reckless just now. Who doesn’t know that Zhou Junhao is a guy who likes to fix people behind his back, don’t you worry that these things you do will cause you trouble?”

“What’s the worry? Anyway, it’s impossible for a company like ours to be expelled. What’s more, do you think that after this novel, Zhou Junhao can still sit in the position of director?”

When An Tongquan talked about Zhou Junhao, there was some contempt in his tone.

“What do you mean by this? Didn’t you say that you have already determined that he is the new director?”

The other person made a puzzled voice.

“If there is no book about Huo Ran before he became the director, it is estimated that the matter is fixed, but with the book of Huo Ran, then the president must consider Chen Liren.”

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