Chapter 1690 Shocked president

At the very beginning, Chen Liren told him that he and Huo Ran were talking about a book-publishing contract, but the president did not take this matter to heart.

In his opinion, even if Huo Ran can take out the book, it is nothing more than the autobiography of the celebrities that are often seen on the market.

Although their publishers do not reject this kind of books, it is not possible to show any welcome.

After all, such books are actually detrimental to the name of their book club.

If it weren’t for Chen Liren’s tough request, he wouldn’t even plan to meet Huo Ran apart from today’s face-to-face discussion with Huo Ran and the others.

Now that Huo Ran is able to do such a complete logistics work, he has a bit of love for Huo Ran.

At least this star is not like an ordinary star, and his performance is extremely exaggerated.

Huo Ran had placed the book in front of the president at this time and said.

“You can take a look at this book today. If you want, we’d better sign the contract within today, because I don’t have much energy on this book in the follow-up time.”

Huo Ran had already agreed with his agent before and would not show everyone that this book was written by him.

But Huo Ran also knows very well that it is obviously impossible to hide this matter from the boss of the publishing house, so he is magnanimous in front of the president.

The president nodded after hearing what Huo Ran said, and opened the book casually.

He intends to flip through the first few pages, as it is to save face. As for the book contract, it is natural to refer to the regular activities of publishing books by entertainment stars.

But when his gaze was placed at the beginning of the book, the president realized that he could no longer look at the book with his contemptuous gaze, and the expression on his face began to become a lot more solemn.

good sentence!

Just after reading half of the page, the president couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that what Huo Ran introduced in the middle of the night was exactly the social background of the world he planned to build.

For a novel, the introduction of social background must be extremely troublesome.

If you choose to be verbose, it will arouse other people’s disgust, because the author of this book is deliberately counting the words…

However, if you behave extremely concisely in the process of book writing, it is very likely that when the book is halfway through, a large number of people will not be able to read the whole book at all, which will cause the book’s evaluation to plummet.

Therefore, in many cases, the background introduction of a book can be the most important thing for the book. Although the president has not seen the follow-up, but only with the introduction of this background, you can feel Huo Ran in this book. The novel world set up inside.

This made the president look at Huo Ran with some admiration.

After finishing reading, the president almost turned to the first and second pages with 1.8 in an impatient mood. The more he reads later, the more he marveled at Huo Ran.

He had never thought that a star he met could write books to such a good level.

As for why he didn’t suspect that this book was ghostwritten by Huo Ran, it is naturally simpler. How could someone who can write such a high-quality book ghostwrite it?

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