Chapter 303 Powerless (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Kong Jing didn’t have any strength in this twist, and Huo Ran jumped up directly from the spot with a “wow”.

Upon seeing this, several nearby staff members showed aunt-like smiles on their faces.

All the scenes seemed so familiar, as if they were exactly the same as this time last year.


The next moment, an extremely discordant dry cough broke the peace in an instant.

Then, I heard the direction of the dry cough, and at the same time came a man’s yin and yang voice: “Oh, you workers are really interesting, even Director Huo Ran knows me, but you don’t know me?”

Liu Ran and Kong Jing couldn’t help frowning when they heard the words, and followed the prestige of the person who spoke. Sure enough, at this moment, the only one who can speak is the prison army sent by Zhao Tengyun, the 520 entertainment king.

He Yu, who was jointly humiliated by Kong Jing and Huo Ran not long ago.

At this time, He Yu, sitting on the sofa opposite the company’s front desk, was provided to temporary visitors. He looked at Huo Ran and Kong Jing with a cold expression.

Kong Jing didn’t walk over to talk to He Yu immediately, but whispered to Zhang Meng.

Naturally, he didn’t go to see He Yu, but he also leaned his head to listen to what Kong Jing and Zhang Meng were talking about at this time.

“As soon as he came, he looked like we owed him money, and he didn’t show any appointment certificates, only a letter of recommendation from K Entertainment.”

Although Huo Ran only heard a few words, he also understood the cause and effect of the incident.

This He Yu thought he could get a letter of recommendation signed by Zhao Tengyun so he could walk across the nostrils of a small company like Jingxiang Wenyu, plus he was a little angry with Huo Ran before.

So after entering Jingxiang Entertainment Company, I used the recommendation letter to the front desk and waited for Kong Jing directly in the president’s office.

He Yu’s thoughts are taken for granted, but it is a pity that he just returned to China and didn’t understand what happened in China.

When he was used to the second generation of the rich, he naturally would not understand that Kong Jing’s original purpose of establishing “jingxiang” was to escape the protection of the family’s “shadow” and develop independently.

He didn’t even know that in the early stage of last year’s Golden Melody Awards, Kong Jing turned away all the music producers recommended by Zhao Tengyun, and chose the fledgling (bcbh) Huo Ran.

Jingxiang’s staff is basically more than 95% of the team formed by Kong Jing in the early days of entrepreneurship. It is more appropriate to say that they are colleagues, rather than friends, partners, or comrades-in-arms.

They have only Kong Jing in their eyes, no K Entertainment, let alone believe in He Yu because of Zhao Tengyun’s recommendation letter.

He Yu naturally touched the nail.

After knowing what He Yu did a few minutes before he and Kong Jing returned to the company, Huo Ran also shook his head and smiled helplessly.

He originally thought that this man named He Yu was a handsome young man, a great character, but now he saw it, but he was just a typical second-generation ancestor who didn’t even have much weight in online novels.


Huo Ran suddenly thought that a conceited person like He Yu must have not suffered any setbacks since he was a child.

Therefore, he should also be a narrow-minded and extreme person.

If this is the case, he can’t express dissatisfaction with Kong Jing, it will only accumulate all the anger

Seeing the song, Huo Ran has no bottom line at all. Because of his desire to win, he even dispenses with the word “Vice” in the title “Vice President He”.

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