Chapter 305 Compromised

Obviously, He Yu wouldn’t shake hands with someone with Huo Ran’s identity if he changed to normal times. The reason why he stretched out his hand at this time was because of Kong Jing’s face.

After the two of them held their hands together, He Yu also took the opportunity to look up and down at Huo Ran. The next moment, there was a little bit of cruelty and playfulness in his eyes-so thin, usually very thin. Exercise less, right?

That being the case, I will teach you a long lesson today, so that you can understand that people of any identity can shake hands without “May 20”.

You know, He Yu has not read books seriously in these years in Country M. What he loves to do in his spare time is to exercise. Although it looks gentle on the surface, his muscles are definitely stronger than ordinary people.

Sure enough, the next moment, a strong force came from Huo Ran’s hand.

Compared to He Yu, Huo Ran does lack exercise and has little strength.

This caused He Yu to suffer all of a sudden.

Because he felt a strange feeling all at once.

All the strength, after passing through the right wrist, disappeared invisible.

In other words, his right hand was completely unconscious in the next instant.

In the picture that Huo Ran and Kong Jing saw, He Yu’s right hand seemed to have turned into a soft cotton ball. Not only did it break away from Huo Ran’s left hand, it also slumped down without any bones.

“Ah! My hand!” He Yu screamed and grabbed the right wrist with his left hand.

He couldn’t help but not panic. For a moment, he thought his right hand was suddenly disabled.

Kong Jing glared at Huo Ran with a pair of eyebrows. There seemed to be an inquiry in it, as if she was asking Huo Ran: “What did you do to him?”

Zhiran shrugged, and of course he couldn’t tell the truth, so he had to say: “The effect of force is mutual, maybe why is it always backed by my own strength?”

When Kong Jing heard this, she couldn’t help rolling her eyes: “If I read less, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have common sense.”

However, Kong Jing also heard the meaning of Huo Ran’s words. It was obvious that He Yu was the one who exerted strength just now.

Seeing Huo Ran’s somewhat gloating look, Kong Jing only felt so angry and funny.

And what about He Yu?

Huo Ran regained the strength in his hand, the prerequisite is physical contact between the two sides.

But when He Yu’s right hand left Huo Ran’s left hand, the recovery was interrupted.

Therefore, He Yu soon awoke from the panic and found that his right hand was completely normal.

Is it an illusion?

He Yu only felt that he was cold on his back at this time. It should be the scare that scared him out of cold sweat.

It’s broken, Kong Jing must have seen the scene just now.

Thinking of this, He Yu raised his head and looked at Kong Jing. Sure enough, he saw Kong Jing’s somewhat contemptuous and disgusting gaze.

Damn it! If it wasn’t because Huo Ran had to shake hands with him, he wouldn’t be so embarrassed.

He Yu gritted his teeth, and immediately looked at Huo Ran.

Feeling He Yu’s gaze turning to look at him, Huo Ran’s smile immediately stiffened, and he was about to converge his smile.

However, it was too late.

What He Yu saw was precisely the scene where Huo Ran laughed the most “struggling”.

“He Yu, what are you going to do?!” Just when He Yu almost couldn’t control herself at 1.7, and wanted to go straight forward and strip Huo Ran alive, Kong Jing slammed and blocked He Yu and Zhi. Of course.

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