Chapter 309 Take a gamble

Seeing the two people who seemed to be “women sing with husband and wife” at this time, He Yu felt even more unhappy at this time. He couldn’t help but sneered: “You all read the content, and then said that there is no value at all, who knows you will I don’t know how to use my plan.”

Hearing this, I couldn’t help but laughed: “Cooperating with you to touch porcelain is very good, but it makes you miscalculate. Your plan is not worthy of our use at all, so I totally negate it. Sister, what do you think?

Kong Jing nodded: “It’s completely contrary to what we thought.”

“Impossible, my plan is the most scientific plan, unless you don’t want the concert to succeed!

Seeing that Kong Jing said so, He Yu only felt that Kong Jing was humiliating herself with Huo Ran, and couldn’t help saying so.

“The most scientific plan is to spend money without meaning?” Kong Jing asked rhetorically with a smile.

“How can it be said that it is meaningless to spend money? You must have not seen my plan clearly. I want to use the money to make the best stage effect, and to invite you the hottest star to help out.

For example, the Yiteng group’Universal Boys’, and country H’s’Hot1999, oh, yes, in fact, I think the sdd48 boy group can also try to get in touch with it. After all, it was once owned by the same company.”


Kong Jing directly interrupted He Yu’s endless talk:” “He Yu, I think you have forgotten my original intention for this concert. Why is it called the Rebirth Project? It is not me, but the original S48, now JX995. Rebirth. I don’t need any traffic stars to bring traffic! It’s not too much money, no place to spend. ”

“Yeah, in my plan, there are programs of some members of the Jxg95 girl group, but there are more than 300 people. In fact, few of them have works that are popular. Letting them on stage will only make your fans feel that the tickets are not- value.

Any entertainment company will first favor artists with a popular foundation, and then let these popular artists drive the less famous artists. You should know this better than me-right?”

He Yu has a “common sense” attitude: “As for spending money, I have also thought about asking Mr. Huo Ran, so that the price can be cheaper, but relatively speaking, I have found someone to do a special evaluation and gain popularity. The effect will be lacking.”

“Is it enough?” At this time, although Kong Jing’s face was still sinking, her tone was much flatter: “He Yu, I really don’t know whether you are stupid or fake.”

“Did I say something wrong? I use the most professional evaluation team!”

He Yu smiled and said: “It’s you, Jing Oh, Mr. Kong, don’t be used by someone with a heart.”

…Please ask for flowers………

When He Yu said this, his gaze was still intentional towards Huo Ran. Obviously, the “person with a heart” in his mouth refers to Huo Ran.

Zhi Ran didn’t look angry at all, and stopped Kong Jing who was still arguing with He Yu. He looked at He Yu with a smile and said, “Vice President He, how about we make a bet?”

He Yu obviously had an attitude of “Since I’m tearing my face, I don’t need to get in the way of love”. Faced with Huo Ran’s provocative questions, he shrugged: “What are you betting on?”

“In your planning, this concert is expected to invest 80 million yuan, the attendance rate is over 85%, the estimated ticket revenue is 94 million yuan, and the net profit is 14 million yuan, right?” Huo Ran asked.

He Yu nodded: “The net profit of 14 million yuan is a lot. Many people lose money when they open a concert. It mainly depends on the post-effects of the concert.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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