Chapter 313 It is worth looking forward to (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

He felt that once he interfered at this time, they would be very unconvinced in the end when they lost. He said that it was because of his own interference that they lost the bet.

He Yu is confident that even if he doesn’t interfere, they won’t be able to win, and even if the tickets are sold, the quality is not enough, and the popularity will not rise. In that case, he will still win the situation.

“Why are you so tired?”

Kong Jing saw that Huo Ran was obviously thinner these days, and his mental state was not very good. Huo Ran still couldn’t bear it, and asked.

Huo Ran cast a soothing smile at her: “Man, we have to challenge all the impossible, otherwise what’s the meaning of living.”

Hearing Huo Ran’s somewhat plausible answer, Kong Jing rolled her eyes irritably, then pointed to the office sofa, and said to Huo Ran: “Take off your coat and lie on 527.”

When Huo Ran heard the words, he was a little surprised and put his hands on his chest: “Sister, don’t think too much of me, I’m not a casual person.

“Don’t be poor!” Kong Jing glared at Huo Ran, and then said again in a commanding tone: “Take off your coat and lie there.”

Seeing Kong Jing’s expression like this, Huo Ran also stopped being hypocritical. Instead, he took off his jacket, closed his eyes and lay on the sofa.

Soon, he clearly felt that a pair of soft hands, on his back, and his shoulders were kneaded just right, and a comfortable and relaxed feeling suddenly spread throughout his body, the original fatigue. Sense, and therefore eliminated a lot.

Two minutes later, Kong Jing could already hear the even breathing of the big boy on the sofa. It was obvious that he was already asleep.

Looking at the sleeping side face of the big boy, Kong Jing heard a faint sigh: “Why do you bother, for me, do you fight like that?”

Suddenly, the goodwill value between Kong Jing and Huo Ran increased a lot.

Of course, Huo Ran’s fighting like this is not entirely for Kong Jing. At the beginning, he actually had the idea of ​​avoiding He Yu’s edge. Extreme means will retaliate against oneself.

In this concert, Huo Ran worked so hard to make He Yu understand a truth. For him, he is an insurmountable mountain.

For the “Rebirth Project” concert (bcbh), the Golden State Stadium with 55,000 effective seats was selected.

Originally, in the planning given by He Yu, the first plan is to choose Kyoto or Jiangdu for the concert. Kong Jing is a young queen, so the popularity naturally does not need to be said much. Concerts are held in these two international cities, even if it is He Yu believes that the 100,000-seat stadium can be full.

But Jinzhou is a second-tier city after all. He Yu feels that even if it is a superstar Uranus, the attendance rate may not be ideal when they come to Jinzhou. Therefore, his second plan is that if Kong Jing insists on holding a concert in Jinzhou, he can. Choose a more refined, 22,000-seat Golden State Cultural Expo Center.

But in the end, Kong Jing and Huo Ran chose Golden State Stadium resolutely and easily sold all the tickets.

July 25th at 7pm.

A lot of vehicles have been parked in the parking lot outside the Jinzhou Stadium. If you look closely, you will find that at least half of these vehicles have foreign license plates.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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