Chapter 317 The style has changed again (see monthly ticket for full order)

In the opening show “The Journey of Elysium”, the women’s group on stage wore two-dimensional costumes and danced house dance.

The second show “Ding Song of the Lord of Love” is a dance of mature European and American style.

And the third program, the members on stage, are all the youngest members of the girl group in the middle grade, and they all have the appearance of Lori.

And they are all wearing Chinese traditional middle school uniforms.

The melody is a bit like the “Secretary Dance” of the popular station D last year, and the dances of the twelve women’s group members are also a bit like the secretarial dance.

But it is different, the rhythm and dance are simpler.

“They are all wearing wheat!”

Soon, sharp-eyed audiences found out.

Then, the audience was guided by the anticipation again and looked towards the stage.

“Follow me with my left hand, a slow motion with my right hand, and a slow motion replay with my right hand and left hand.”

“This song makes you happy, have you fallen in love with me?”

“Follow my nose and eyes, move your ears, pretend to be cute and change your style.”

“There are too many youth, unknown guesses, what are the troubles of growing up…”

This well-known song from the TFBOYS combination on the Earth plane, although it has undergone some changes by Huo Ran, the effect is still not bad at all.

Coupled with the sweet looks and cute dance moves of the women’s group members on the stage, the fans in the stage instantly felt fascinated.

“Ah! Kawaii, “!”

“This song with this dance is simply too lethal.”

“This song is poisonous, I can sing it!”

“Old man’s girlish heart!”

“This is the girl group I want!”

“I have fallen in love with you, I have!”

The melody gradually subsided, and before the audience hadn’t recovered from the “Youth Training Manual”, a rush of pipa sound came from the sound reinforcement equipment around the stage.

“Look!” This was the first reaction of many viewers, and then their second reaction was “Gufengge?!”

Yes, it is indeed an ancient style song, because Kong Jing, who re-appeared at the center of the stage, has already put on a red gauze costume, holding a light pink powder.

The accompanying dancers and the eighteen members of the girl group also appeared in all pink costumes.

This appearance attracted the attention of many spectators.

“Mei has blinded my eyes.”

“Oh my god, it looks so good, I seem to take a picture.”

“What a fairy!”

“I feel like I’m dying.

Of course, what Huo Ran pursues is the ultimate performance effect.

These are not enough for the lead singer and backing dancer to appear on stage.

Above the stage, small pink particles suddenly floated down, like petals and snowflakes.

Kong Jing held up the umbrella at the right time, and at the same time opened her mouth.

“Sculpted flowers in the hands, the blades twisted into a painting with thousands of turns, the famous Merit Pagoda is somewhere beside the bridge.

“.” The spring breeze circumvents the red yarn at the tips of the hair, embroiders and presents it to him. ”

It turned out to be an ancient style RB!

Kong Jing deserves to be recognized as a small Chinese song, with a wide range and many styles. This “Red Wish” from the plane of the earth is not difficult to sing, but it is difficult to sing the emotions in the song.

But at this time, Kong Jing did it.

The melody is not depressing, and the singing is not bleak, but it makes many listeners hear the helplessness of an ancient woman.

Then, both eyes were apathetic, intoxicated, as if the spirit had entered another world that (Li Hao) didn’t know.

The melody stopped, but Kong Jing and the women’s group members on the stage did not leave. This should have been a very abnormal thing. After all, according to the previous arrangement, it should be a song by the women’s group and a song by Kong Jing. This happens alternately.


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