Chapter 320 The audience was very pleasantly surprised (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Coupled with the fact that the two home stadiums are both women pretending to be men, it immediately made the audiences who were still immersed in the sad atmosphere brought about by “Mang Zhao Yuan” and “Cool and Cool” suddenly felt a lot easier.

And to the chorus part.

“I’m Taishan next door, grabbing the warm vines. Listen to me: Ooh~Ooh~”

“You are the beautiful Zhenni, take my hand and travel around the world, arrogant~ oh oh oh~”

When the audience repeated it for the second time, they said in unison “Five Thirty Zero” followed by “Ao ~ Ao Ao Ao Ao~”. Of course, those who knew knew that the concert was going on, and those who didn’t know thought that the national mental hospitals were all. It’s a holiday.

Speaking of which, this “Rebirth Project” concert has brought more than 55,000 audience surprises to the above-mentioned content.

In the subsequent performances, there was the main song and the chorus of “Electric Shock”, which was magically brainwashed. The audience kept repeating the “magic power of love in circles, thinking of you to put your heart in the night and day.” “Hanging on.

There is also Kong Jing’s new lyrical song “Your Tavern Closed to Me” and the girl group’s new inspirational song for weight loss “Kaluli”.

Wait and so on, the proportion of old songs is much less than expected, and new songs, almost the first capital is a hit that can hit the major music charts.

For the last track of the concert, it seems that in order to echo the beginning and the end, I still chose a house dance music to end.

This dance piece is called “Touch the Sky”. Although it is a little bit inferior to “Elysium”, it is still a very good piece. Kong Jing also sang this dance together with the members of the girl group again.

In the crazy support of the audience spared no effort, the “Rebirth Project” concert was brought to a successful conclusion.

Even media people who have watched various star concerts have a refreshing feeling after watching this “Rebirth Project” concert.

Not just because of all kinds of unpublished new songs.

There is rhythm.

Two and a half hours, 150 minutes, a total of 30 programs.

It can be said that there is no pause in the middle. The maximum interval between songs is 30 seconds, and the rest are maintained within ten seconds, which is almost less.

Speaking of which, even the most experienced media people have never seen such a fast-paced concert.

Even the concerts of Uranus superstars who have been famous for a long time, the rhythm will not be so fast, they can sing three or four songs in a row, and then have to rest for three to five minutes.

In fact, just because the concert rhythm is so fast and so tight, Kong Jing also asked Huo Ran

Huo Ran’s answer is simple: “The audience pays for the money and it’s not for waiting. Don’t wait for a few minutes. It’s the same as advertising in the middle of watching a movie. It affects the audio-visual experience.”

Kong Jing naturally agreed with Huo Ran’s rhetoric, after all, in the program arranged by Huo Ran, she only needs to perform 15 songs.

And there is no pressure on her physical strength and voice by taking a break without performing a show.

But I don’t know if it is the reason why she has never had such a high-tempo concert in her cognition. She still has doubts about Huo Ran’s arrangement.

Huo Ran at that time seemed to have seen her concerns from Kong Jing’s expression, and smiled indifferently at 1.7.

Said: “What are you worried about? We have more than 300 women’s team members, which is equivalent to countless emergency plans. The large number of people is our advantage.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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