Chapter 331 The ceremony went smoothly (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Huo Ran’s remarks gave Brother Yu a stunned: “Do you still know their deputy director? Do you still want to dig you?”

Seeing the look of Brother Yu, Huo Ran couldn’t help asking, “Isn’t it?”

Brother Yu shook his head: “It will be the opponent, the same position as yours, the actor and producer.”

“Oh.” Huo Ran nodded lightly, and then asked, “Why are you looking for me?”

“In our venue, there happened to be the location they needed to shoot, the Cuju field next to the archway, so they wanted to rent it out temporarily,” said Yu Ge.

Hearing this, he nodded suddenly, and said immediately: “Then borrow it, you have read the script, Brother Yu, we don’t have 12 Cuju operas, it’s better for you to make decisions about this kind of thing.”

Huo Ran is not too troublesome. After all, the venue of this crew is Zhao Tengyun’s property, and it is also provided by Kong Jing to Huo Ran for free.

As for Brother Yu, when Kong Jing debuted, he was sent by Zhao Tengyun to Kong Jing’s assistant. Regarding the relationship, when Kong Jing was not present, Brother Yu could be said to be Zhao Tengyun’s direct spokesperson.

That being the case, Huo Ran naturally didn’t understand why Yu had to let himself be in charge of renting the venue. By doing this, wouldn’t he let himself “Sister Yue take his place”?

Brother Yu seemed to have guessed that Huo Ran would have such a question, and said with a smile: “Xiao Jing is not here, you are the highest person in charge here. It’s not appropriate for me to talk to each other.”

Hearing what Brother Yu said, the doubts in Zhiran’s heart actually increased, but he didn’t ask any more. After all, the pavilion that Brother Yu said was about to arrive.

When I came to the pavilion, I saw a middle-aged man in ancient costumes sitting inside. Before Brother Yu said hello, the middle-aged man who heard the footsteps of the two stood up first and walked towards them.

“Zeng Tianwang?!” Huo Ran has always been calm, but at this time he is almost lost-the boss with staring eyes, his mouth is also open as if he could lay an egg.

No wonder Huo Ran was so surprised.

After all, the man in front of him is Zeng Lianshun, the four heavenly kings of Xiangjiang.

Just listening to the title “king of heaven”, in fact, can fully summarize the strength of its Niu Cha.

When Zhiran was a child, he never heard Zeng Lianshun’s songs and watched Zeng Lianshun’s movies. As the king of heaven, Zeng Lianshun’s influence is not limited to China. Huo Ran remembers reading a report a few years ago.

Zeng Lianshun went to H country to attend a talk show, but after the show was recorded, he was immediately surrounded by dozens of fans when he went out of the TV station.

Someone might say: “I’ve said that I’m not too angry, just a few dozen fans.”

But you have to know that among the dozens of fans, there are two movie kings from country H, four movie queens from country H, well-known official channel hosts from country H, and several officials from country H.

The real star is not the number of your fans, but the quality of your fans. When you look at the fans of King Ou Zeng Tian Wang, you have almost taken over half of the entertainment and political circles of H Elementary School.

This mood of seeing the characters that could only be seen on TV as a child naturally made Huo Ran feel as if 540 was dreaming.

“Anything that is not a king is a thing of the past.”

Zeng Lianshun didn’t put on the air of a superstar because Huo Ran was too young, but put his posture very low.

He smiled and said: “It’s you, I admire your name for a long time. Before, I wanted to find you to invite songs through the company, but I never expected that you are the person in charge of these two crews. You are really a hero.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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