Chapter 340 Remnants of the brain (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Not only is Li He a little impatient, even the actors are whispering.

“Why has Brother Huo been there for so long?”

“Who the hell is it?

“Brother Yu also went there for so long and didn’t come back.”

“Brother Huo pays so much attention to it, he must have a big wrist.”

“It’s not necessarily. Maybe Huo Ge is very respectful, maybe Huo Ge’s teacher at school?”

“Brother Kai, why have you been there for so long?”

Who is “Five, Four, Three” in the end.”

“Brother Yu also went there for so long and didn’t come back.”

“Brother Huo pays so much attention to it, he must have a big wrist.”

“It’s not necessarily. Maybe Huo Ge is very respectful, maybe Huo Ge’s teacher at school?”

Just as the discussion became more and more noisy, Li He considered in his heart whether or not to film other plots first to stabilize his emotions.

I don’t know which sharp-eyed it is, but the first to discover the abnormality, he shouted: “Brother Yu is back.

Immediately, dozens of pairs of eyes of the crew looked towards the entrance of the theater.

Then, they saw that Brother Yu was walking in quickly.

Then Huo Ran.

Zhiran was holding an umbrella for a man. The man was wearing sunglasses, but he couldn’t hide his very three-dimensional features.

That person is

“God, am I not dazzled?!”

“Is that King Zeng Tian?”

“Quickly pinch me, quickly pinch me, oh, it hurts, you are dying!”

“Ah! King Zeng Tian, ​​you are my father’s idol!”

Perhaps after hearing the comments of the actors here, Zeng Lianshun smiled and beckoned in the direction of the discussion friendly.

Then, screams rang throughout the crew.

Even Li He, who has seen too many big names, saw Zeng Lianshun being taken by Brother Yu to the private dressing room specially prepared by Huo Ran amidst the screams of the actors, and his mouth opened in surprise.

For Zeng Lianshun, in fact, Li He doesn’t have the feeling of being too dreamy for the little actors who have never seen the world. After all, in the early years, when he had not joined the stage play, he had been separated from the other two of the four kings. Cooperation.

What surprised him was Huo Ran, his former student.

Although he also understands that Huo Ran is very good, but in just a few months, it is incredible to be able to get on the line with a heavenly king like Zeng Lianshun.

In fact, at the first sight of Zeng Lianshun, Li He’s mind came up with the idea that Huo Ran had a relationship with Zeng Lianshun through Kong Jing, or the person behind Kong Jing.

However, after a few seconds, he directly denied this idea.

The role of Cheng Zu is actually dispensable in this online movie. If Kong Jing has determined that Zeng Lianshun will be a guest from the beginning, then Huo Ran does not have to hide it.

Even if Kong Jing had just helped Huo Ran and Zeng Lianshun to get on the line recently, it would be hard to justify the difficulty of inviting a heavenly king to play a dispensable role.

Besides, Zeng Lianshun has been for ten years and only filmed scenes that he invested in.

There are only two possibilities for him to make a cameo. The first one may be that the script is very good and very good, so good that he has no reason to refuse.

Thinking of this, Li He lowered his head and glanced at the decompression work Huo Ran gave him, positioning the student group and the people who love to talk, and shook his head with a smile.

The second possibility is that Zeng Lianshun feels that the person in charge of this play is very angry.

Li He suddenly remembered that Zeng Lianshun seemed to be on the crew of “Legend of Cuju” next door.

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