Chapter 342 Thoroughly understand the role (see monthly ticket for full order)

Although these people were interviewed by Li He in person, they all have certain acting skills or talents, but in the previous shooting, they can only meet Li He’s requirements for performance.

Don’t even mention the deep-seated problem of thoroughly understanding the role and injecting soul into the role.

But after Zeng Lianshun left, director Li He found that all the actors had become serious.

Actors who were originally talented in acting and acting would read the script carefully, line by line, word by word, before each scene of their own.

During the performance, the requirements for oneself are also stricter, and if there are some dissatisfactions, or if they feel that their emotional performance is not in place, they will ask for a repeat.

And those women’s group members who are not good at acting and are drawn to make up for the tricks, will stand behind Li He after their roles are over.

Watching Li He’s lead play, when Li He is free, they will humbly ask Li He about acting.

Although, Li He had just got Huo Ran’s script, and knew that the main meaning of this online movie was to promote the members of the girl group.

I also work here with a relaxed mentality of “it’s okay anyway, guide the play, and “play”.

But Li He is a teacher who specializes in teaching acting.

Teachers have been in this profession for a long time, and there will be occupational diseases. The biggest occupational disease is to love to teach people.

Therefore, when most of the women’s group members who were as old as the students he had brought with him asked him for questions, he did not have any resistance.

On the contrary, it is very serious, and through my many years of teaching experience to guide these women’s team members in a simple and simple way.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ran actually felt quite relieved, although these women’s team members are different from him, and they have no attribute or ability value.

However, Huo Ran knows that under the guidance of Li and this “free teacher”, their acting skills will improve somewhat.

The changes of the young actors have caused Li He to suffer. Originally, he worked 8-10 hours a day, with three breaks of one hour each.

But now, because the actors have gradually increased their requirements, the number of self-calling clicks has increased, and the progress has become slow, so Li He has to increase his working hours.

And the rest time? Don’t be kidding, even when Li He is eating, young actors line up to talk to him.

Jianran was originally worried that Li He would be dissatisfied, but Huo Ran quickly dispelled the idea. This situation lasted for two days. Instead, Li He looked radiant and looked a bit younger.

Uh, he seems to be”. “Have fun”.


Two days after Zeng Lianshun’s friendly cameo.

Tengyun Film and Television City.

In the network film crew of the area under the Jingxiang Cultural and Entertainment Center.

“Let’s make a bet, do you dare?” Huo Ran, in a strange yellow costume, asked with a serious face.

Sitting carelessly on Xiao Ting’s chair opposite Huo Ran, she raised her eyebrows slightly at Zhang Tingting, who was playing with a dog’s tail grass, but did not look at Huo Ran, but continued to play with the dog’s tail grass on her hand, and asked in a lazy tone. Said: “It’s just (Li is good) to gamble, what’s the trouble with gambling?

She looked at the absent-minded Zhang Tingting with a sudden expression: “I bet I can protect you for the rest of your life. If I win, you will treat me wholeheartedly and accompany me to admire the country for thousands of miles.

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