Chapter 345 Talk about work first, then dinner (seeking monthly ticket for full reservation)

When he watched the original video on the computer, there were two episodes of strange plots, which were not closely related to the main line, but were very suspicious of implants.

So he watched the shooting record of the original version in detail, only to realize that the original version also had a sponsor, and it turned out to be an adult health care product.

Originally, Huo Ran only regarded this as a funny thing that could be passed by with a smile.

But Kong Jing’s words just now made him discover promising business opportunities.

I don’t know if the other party is really sincere in the “May 47” cooperation. On the afternoon of this day, the two crews had just completed the filming mission of this day. Brother Yu found Huo Ran and told him: “Leading company ‘S advertising manager is here.”

Huo Ran didn’t believe it. It was only more than six hours before he finished talking with Kong Jingjing. The Tengyun Film and Television City was also remote, so how could it be here so soon.

However, facts speak louder than words, and Brother Yu wouldn’t be okay to play Huo Ran with this kind of thing. Ten minutes later, Huo Ran, Brother Yu was in the box 302 of Tengyun Restaurant and saw the advertising manager who came alone. .

“Li is good, Assistant Yu is good, I have been looking up for a long time. Introduce myself, my surname is Huang, Huangshan is Huang. The single name is a mountain, Huangshan Mountain. I am the general manager of the advertising department of Longtou Health Products Development Co., Ltd.

With that said, this 40-year-old man with a fat body, a greasy look and a “Mediterranean” haircut respectfully took out his business card and handed it to the two of them.

This is really a very unique and memorable name.

Take the business card and take your seat.

Huo Ran looked at the dinner table. It was obviously the full table of dishes ordered by the manager of Huangshan in advance, and the leading brand health wine he had obviously brought, and he was a little wary.

This big table dish can be enough to reflect the sincerity of Huangshan, or the “leading company” behind Huangshan.

But those two bottles of wine

“If you don’t mind, let’s talk about work first, then eat?” Huo Ran asked.

The reason for making such a request is the vigilance in Huo Ran’s heart. Although Huo Ran is in the entertainment industry, he has also heard that many commercial negotiations “unequal treaties” are examples of drunkenness.

Hearing Huo Ran’s request, the smile on Huangshan’s face froze: “It’s not too late to have a meal and then talk. Negotiations can’t be negotiated in a short while. After a long time, the food will be cold!”

After that, he said to his brother: “Come on, Xiao, move the chopsticks, you are welcome.

Brother Yu has rich experience in the world, smiled slightly, but didn’t move.

In the next moment, I just listened to Huo Ran’s words: “Hostile negotiations will take a long time. This is called cooperative negotiation. If both of us are sincere, I believe they can be negotiated in five minutes or ten minutes.

Although his words are simple, they are also clever.

Huo Ran’s remarks are equivalent to Huang Shan’s words being blocked. No matter how Huang Shan persuades him, it seems that there will be a kind of “insincerity” in Huo Ran’s eyes.

“Lee production is really eloquent.

It seemed that for a while, he couldn’t think of any way to deal with it. Huang Shan gave a dry smile and asked, “Then what does Li Production think we should talk about?”

Huo Ran already had a heartfelt draft at this time and shrugged: “Before talking, let me talk about your views and thoughts on our online movie.

The opinions include but are not limited to why we are looking for 1.7 our online movie, and the idea is how you plan to cooperate. Oh, dictation is fine, otherwise you really have to eat cold dishes.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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