Chapter 356 You can’t be polite (see monthly ticket for full order)

“I just wondered if I accidentally offended a friend of yours. Then I thought about what kind of people you make and what kind of friends you might not have friendship with, so I called and asked. ask you.”

Hearing Huo He’s explanation, Huo Ran nodded: “Director Huo, don’t worry, you are doing the right thing. What about Brother Yu? Is he not here?”

After all, Brother Yu knew that he was celebrating with Zhai Benben. If he were there, he would definitely help Huo He deal with this matter.

Sure enough, I just listened to Huo He said: “Today, Lao Zheng’s drama is more complicated than in the past, less than helping in the past. I have nothing to do here, so I didn’t ask him to come over.

“By the way, since Director Zhai has something to celebrate with you, I just don’t have to be polite.

“Need not.

Huo Ran said, “I will go back in half an hour. I will meet him personally.”

After hanging up the phone, Huo Ran often sighed. At this moment, Kong Jing’s voice came in his ear: “Why, someone is picking up things in my place?”

When Huo Ran answered the phone, his expression was wrong, and Kong Jing was immediately aware of it.

So when Huo Ran answered the phone, she didn’t avoid suspicion. She turned her ear to the phone and “eavesdropped” on Huo Ran’s phone.

Although this is not a comprehensive one, but in the seven or eighty-eights of the matter, one can still hear a probable reason.

Hearing Kong Jing’s question, Huo Ran was a little bit dumbfounded: “What’s the matter? How do you talk like a rogue.”

Seeing that Kong Jing cast unkind eyes when she heard the words, Huo Ran laughed: “Then what, you think too much, I’ll go back to the crew and deal with it now.”

“I’ll drive together.” Kong Jing said.

More than half an hour later, Kong Jing really sent Huo Ran to the crew.

“I really don’t need me to go in?”

Although she was rejected by Huo Ran many times on the road, Kong Jing was still a little unwilling and eager to say: “As long as I go out, he will not only get out with his crew, but 80% of film and television bases across the country know that they have been killed. After being driven out, he will not be accepted easily.”

When Kong Jing was young, she disdained being a second generation ancestor and deceived others.

When I grow up, it is a pity that I don’t have a similar life experience, so I always want to find a chance to experience this feeling.

But most of Kong Jing’s same age have become stable and mature, and she has no chance to step on it. And if you step on someone younger than her, there will be no sense of accomplishment, so Kong Jing has always been very regretful.

But this Zhai Benben completely conformed to all the settings of the person who was trampled in her mind-brainless, arrogant, and arrogant, so after hearing Huo Ran explain the whole story, she felt a little itchy.

Huo Ran smiled faintly when he heard the words, and shook his head: “It’s really unnecessary, I can solve my own problems by myself.”

After hearing Huo Ran’s words, Kong Jing really disappointed her face again. 550. Seeing that Huo Ran hadn’t said goodbye to her without heart, she got out of the car, she couldn’t help but her expression slightly annoyed. Mouth, said: “Young and frivolous.”

He turned the car in one direction angrily and drove towards the gate of the film and television city.

Closer to home, Huo Ran joined the crew of the online movie, and saw an incomparably piercing yellow hair in the pavilion where he met Zeng Lianshun before.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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